Page 19 of Love Unscripted

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I drop my hand. “Yes. That question.” My tone is low and full of sass.

He makes a squinty face like he’s digging deep. “I said I’m looking forward to building a friendship with you.”

I narrow my eyes back. “Sure you did. That’s a good answer. Makes you seem like a gentleman.”

Liam huffs. “I am. You believe I’m a player, but I’ll prove to you I’m a decent guy. You don’t trust me now, but I hope by the end, we can at least be friends.”

I face forward. He’s saying all the right things, but I’ve been here before. I’ve worked hard these last two years to ensure I don’t fall for the wrong guy again. Liam will have several red flags. They’ll start waving, soon enough.

Chapter 7


A warm ocean breeze ruffles through my hair. I shoot a glance at Trina, who’s bouncing down the sidewalk like she’s stuffed full of sugar.

The image reminds me of her little nephew, Rex, and his near catastrophe with the cake. A laugh works its way up.

Trina whirls, hands on her hips. In an instant, she’s ready to go toe to toe. I know basketball players with less grit than this reporter.

“What are you laughing at?” She glances left, then right. “The camera guys are gone.”

I shake my head. “They went ahead so they could catch us with our mouths hanging open when we enter the resort.”

She huffs and lowers her hands. “Right. Like they won’t make us do it ten times if they don’t like how we react the first time.” She puts the back of her hand to her forehead and pretends to swoon. “Oh, Lawd. It’s just ah-mazin’. Darlin, isn’t it the best thing you’ve ever seen?”

A full belly laugh ripples out. “I’m not sure ‘Southern belle’ is the effect they’re going for.” I wipe tears from my eyes. “But you’ve nailed the dramatic flourish. Keep that up and you’ll be fine.”

“I’m already sick of this whole mess.” She grumbles and kicks at the sand.

It’s the most honest and vulnerable she’s been this whole time. I stop her with a hand on her shoulder. “I was laughing because I remembered your nephew almost toppled our cake.”

Her nose scrunches in an adorable pout.

“I have a nickname for him,” I rush ahead before she thinks of something else. “Wrecking ball Rex.” I pause and wait. “You think your sister would be offended?”

Trina’s shoulders shake. Is she about to pummel me into the dirt?
