Page 27 of Love Unscripted

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She watches me through narrowed eyes but doesn’t argue. Wow. Small miracles do happen.

When I’m done, the bed is perfectly split between us. I lean back again. “I’ll even sleep on top of the covers and you can sleep under them.”

She picks at her flannel again and inches toward the bed. “You swear you’ll stay on your side?”

I hold up my pinky. “Pinky promise.”

Moving slower than a sloth in January, she hooks her pinky to mine and shakes it once.

That single touch is hotter than electricity zapping through my veins. I’m instantly awake. I hold my eyes half-closed so she can’t see the intensity of my reaction to her.

Her gaze never leaves my face as she crawls under the covers and pulls them to her chin.

She’ll roast under all those layers, but I keep my mouth shut. My interference is about as welcome as my touch. She doesn’t want anything from me.

I lace my fingers behind my head to keep from pushing the pillows down so I can look at her.

“Will you turn off the light?” Her voice is muffled, sounding like she’s already half asleep.

Wish I could say the same. I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep at all knowing she’s right there beside me. Closer than comfortable and yet completely out of reach.

Chapter 9


The Nantucket beach stretches before me. The ocean’s surface ripples like a sheet of pearl, and a fresh breeze cools my skin. Ah, a moment of peace. I cross my feet at the ankles, lean back into the porch swing, and open my laptop. After watching the sunrise, I’m prepared for whatever the day will bring.

Liam slept in, so I crawled out of bed nice and early to get some work done—without him knowing.

My pseudonym for the paper is Kat Smith which is an attempt to keep my journalism and personal life separate. Thanks to Liam who picked me for this show and disrupted everything, that’s just gotten a whole lot harder.

My boss expects the second article this week. We decided on the pen name, M.J. Albert. Could be a female but sounds like a male. I wrote a three-hundred-word article about the opening night. Boss said it sizzled with emotional tension, and he loved it. Seems I write better when I’m the main character.

In this article, I’m M.J. Albert, enjoying the island and spying on the newlyweds. I tap out a few sentences:

To join in the intrigue and speculation surrounding the recent fire alarm incident on “Bride at First Sight”, it’s possible the show's producers orchestrated the chaos to test the resilience of the couple. It undoubtedly adds another layer of drama to an already tension-filled reality TV experience for Liam and Trina. I’d venture to guess there’s more to the behind-the-scenes manipulation fueling the on-screen flames. Will the strain of these manufactured obstacles prove too much for the newlyweds?
