Page 50 of Love Unscripted

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Chapter 15


“Watching parenting videos isn’t that bad.” I place the last of the snacks on the coffee table and settle next to Liam.

“Three hours followed by a test. You don’t call that bad? I hope you’re the one taking notes.” Liam leans forward and scoops a handful of chips. His hand is so large, he’s removed a third of the bowl’s contents.

I take half his chips. “It’s 50/50 in this relationship. You must stay awake the whole time. You snooze, you lose.”

“Babe, I’m being honest here. My desire to study is like my relationship with kale—we just don't get along.”

I cover my mouth as I talk around the chips. “You’ll be fine. The first video is Super Nanny. She’s hilarious. I love her English accent. ‘That’s unacceptable, Tommy.’”

“Never heard of her.”

“It’s an old series. I only watched a couple of episodes, but I remember how crazy the kids were. By the end, she’d have them cleaning the house.”

Liam leans in and whispers. “Reality TV—it’s not what it seems.” He kisses my cheek and sits upright. “Let’s do this. I can’t wait to try these techniques on ‘Wrecking Ball Rex.’”

I click play on the remote. “That’s the spirit.” But I doubt even Super Nanny’s methods could settle Rex’s antics.

The first hour zooms by, but Liam hardly sits still. If the guy would concentrate on the videos like he does performing for the cameras, leaning all over me, we would have this test in the basket. At one point, he places a pillow on my lap and asks me to stroke his hair. I tell him in my best British accent that his behavior is unacceptable.

The second video isn’t so entertaining. It’s more of a documentary and even I’m bored as heck.

Liam wraps his arms around me and snuggles. “Save me from going into a coma.” He tucks some hair behind my ear. “I know a way to make the night more interesting.” He nibbles on my earlobe.

I inch away, giggling. He knows my ticklish spot. “I’ll send you to the naughty mat for time out.” I point at the TV. “Focus.”

He holds up his forefinger. “One kiss.” He wriggles his eyebrows before leaning in, and whispers, “for the ratings, Trina.”

He’s using my competitive nature to his advantage. I want to steal votes from the other couples. Liam is right. We do need to keep up the PDA. One kiss won’t hurt.

“Fine.” I huff like it’s the most annoying thing on the planet to kiss a gorgeous basketball player.

His arm drapes around my shoulder. Liam twirls my hair as he brushes his lips against mine.

Melting at his caress, I tug on his shirt and pull him closer.

Liam takes his time, drawing out the kiss. It’s like he wants it to last as long as possible. Just as I’ve come to the conclusion he’s still acting, I sense a shadow. With his free hand, he’s grabbed a nearby pillow, and is strategically placing it to shield our faces from the cameras. His kiss becomes passionate, taking us way out-of-bounds.

What is he doing? Panic surges within me. He's breaking our unspoken rule, the one where we pretend we don’t enjoy PDA.
