Page 51 of Love Unscripted

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No. No. No. This can’t happen. I should call “foul.”

For two seconds more, I pretend I’m unaware of the pillow and allow him to kiss me. My lips soften, melding with his. Mmm. I could kiss this man for hours.

I open my eyes, as if I’m only just realizing the cameras can’t see. “Liam,” I whisper, my voice filled with longing.

He continues his assault on my senses, his lips now trailing along my jawline. His response is muffled against my skin, breathless, yet on a mission. “Yeah?”

“What’re you doing?” My voice trembles.

He pulls back slightly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Kissing my wife, like a good husband should.”

I shake my head, a silent protest.

“Fine,” he concedes, dropping the pillow with a playful thud. His hands find their place, cradling my face with tenderness. And with a renewed sense of determination, he continues to kiss me, but this time, slower and more deliberate, as if savoring every moment, every stolen breath.

The kiss has gone on long enough. I pull away from him. “Okay. You got youronekiss.” I emphasize the word, ‘one’.

He smiles dreamily at me before grabbing the pillow. He places his head on my lap again.

I resist rolling my eyes. He’s so cheeky tonight. What’s gotten into him?

The last video drags on, and Liam falls asleep. I find myself stroking his hair like I would to a Persian cat. Thank goodness he’s softly snoring.

I give him a gentle shake. “Wake up. We’ve got to do the test.”

The first question pops onto the screen, offering multiple choice answers. How many questions are there? And what if we don’t pass again? Do we earn another consequence? Get sent to the naughty mat?

Liam rises from the dead and rubs his eyes. “What did I miss?”

“Not much—mostly how to toddler-proof a home. I’ll help with those final questions.”

I wave the remote at the screen and read the first one aloud.

“You found your toddler drawing on the wall. How do you respond?

A) Give them a high-five and tell them they have amazing artistic talent.

B) Laugh it off and say, ‘Oops! Let's save the walls for paper, okay?’ and help them clean the wall.

C) Raise your voice and send them straight to timeout.

D) Start crying and wonder where you went wrong as a parent.”

Liam snickers. “I’d say A.”

I roll my eyes and click on B.

A large green check mark flashes, then the next question appears.

You're in a shopping mall when your toddler throws a tantrum. How do you handle the situation?

A) Join them in the tantrum, hoping to outdo their performance and embarrass your toddler so they stop.

B) Give in to their demands and buy them anything they want to calm them quickly.

C) Scoop them up and find a quiet corner or a less crowded area to help them calm down and address their needs.

D) Ignore the tantrum completely and continue shopping as if nothing is happening.
