Page 68 of Love Unscripted

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I crouch and extend my arms while holding my breath. Tiptoeing toward the door, I wince each time the floorboards creak.

But Rex must sense my every move. He zigzags from his hiding spot and into the study with the agility of a mini ninja.

“You can't escape me! I've trained with athletes, and I’m a force to be reckoned with.”

Rex pokes his head around the corner and sticks his tongue out.

What? The little rascal. What would Super Nanny do? He can't get away with that.

I launch into the study, ready to tell Rex that making such faces is unacceptable.

But there stands Dalton, and he looks grumpy.

I stop in my tracks, stunned. Rex is completely captivated by Dalton. And still for once. Does the man have some secret superpower over children?

I clear my throat. “Um, Dalton, sorry to barge in like that. I didn't know you were up here.”

Dalton’s eyes meet mine. His expression is unyielding. “Apparently, so.”

He raises an eyebrow, but his serious demeanor cracks, and a smile breaks free. “The kid knows I have a secret stash of cookies that only well-behaved children can access. That's why he's frozen for five seconds. But just watch. He won't be able to stay still any longer than that.”

“Can too,” Rex's lips don't move as he mumbles in his adorable voice.

Dalton starts counting down. “Five, four, three . . .”

Little Rex’s knee wobbles. His arm twitches.

“. . . two, one, zero.”

Rex leaps into a star jump. “I did it. I lasted more than five seconds.” He holds out his small palm. “Cookie, please.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “Does Pam know about this secret stash?”

Simultaneously, Rex and Dalton hold a finger to their lips. “Shh.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine.” I hold out my hand as well. “I want one too.”

My back pocket buzzes, and I jump a mile in the air. Cellphone. “It could be Liam.”

I turn and race out of the study, slipping out the phone. My heart free falls when the screen flashes Melanie’s name.

“What’s up?” I say flatly.

“Has he called yet?” Her voice is filled with expectation.

“Nope. Not yet.” I make my way down the hall and slip into the library.

I’m greeted by rows and rows of mahogany shelves filled with book spines. I might sleep in here tonight. The fireplace makes the place look inviting. I probably won’t be able to sleep anyway.

“Don’t worry. He’ll call after a confession like that,” Melanie says. “I didn’t know you had it in you to be that sweet.”

I slap my free hand to my forehead. “Yeah. I can’t believe I said all that on the news. And tomorrow I need to report on his game.”


“My first day at CNN, and they’re sending me to Liam’s game. How strategic is that?”

“Oh, maybe that’s why he hasn’t called. He wants to talk to you in person after the game.”
