Page 69 of Love Unscripted

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“You think so?”

“I bet that’s it. Oh, Trina, you have nothing to worry about. That man loves you.”

Warmth swirls in my belly. Melanie’s right. The way Liam looks into my eyes and connects with my soul shows how much he loves me. I can’t wait to tell him how I feel face to face tomorrow at the game. And if he doesn’t forgive me, it’s going to be super awkward interviewing him and his team.

Chapter 21


I stand on the sidelines. The roar of the crowd envelopes me as Liam and his team dominate the basketball court. The familiar scent of sweat and anticipation hangs in the air, and the energy is palpable. It’s been twenty-four hours since my public confession, and the tension between us weighs heavy in my heart.

Liam’s team holds a comfortable lead. They’ve come back from a low score in the first quarter, and the scoreboard reflects their hard work and determination. I can't help my sense of pride as he plays with a fire in his eyes. His athletic skill is on full display, captivating the audience and reminding me of the man I fell in love with.

But what if he still holds a grudge? What if my public apology on national TV wasn't enough to mend the damage? Will he ever forgive me? Will he give us a chance to rebuild what was shattered?

I study Liam’s every move, hoping to catch a glimpse of any foretelling emotion. His focus is unwavering. He’s in his element, giving it his all on the court.

I scan the crowd for their responses. And that’s when I spot him—Nicholas, the producer from “Bride at First Sight.” He didn’t seem the sporty type, but I could be wrong. Unless he’s here to meet with Liam after the game. But why?

Nicholas waves and weaves his way through the bleachers, his eyes locked on mine. Apprehension flutters in my stomach as I brace for what he might say. As he reaches me, he offers a warm smile.

“Trina! You won't believe the craziness going on.” Deep lines bracket his mouth. “The voting line for you and Liam has gone absolutely bonkers. The fans are demanding your return for the finale night.”

My eyes widen, the implications of his words sinking in. Viewers have rallied behind us. Maybe my vulnerability won them over.

I touch my stomach. The thought of reuniting with Liam on the grand finale makes me giddy. If I held my microphone to my belly, it would start singing a nervous karaoke rendition of ‘Don't Stop Believin’.

“But Nicholas . . .” My fingers pitter pat over my chest as I attempt to calm myself. “What if Liam doesn’t want to return? Have you spoken to him? He hasn’t said anything about wanting to stay married to me.”

Nicholas leans in closer and lowers his voice, which makes it difficult to hear in an arena full of super fans. “Liam may not have said anything yet, but actions speak louder than words. I called his coach after your public apology, and he insisted I come tonight and speak with you both.” He rubs his hands like it’s a done deal and of course, Liam is fully on board with the idea.

Nicholas continues, a glint in his eyes, “I have a strong feeling that Liam might surprise you. He’s not one to let go easily.” He points to the court. “Look at the guy. Defying the rules of gravity.”

Liam hangs on the ring after a slam dunk. That’s my man.

I swallow hard. The viewers believe we can make this arranged marriage last. And I believe it too.
