Page 72 of Love Unscripted

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“William and Alyssa!”

Alyssa seems much more relaxed around William. They are competition for sure. She’s so soft and sugary sweet. Which I am not.

Liam gives me a side hug. “We’re next. Here goes.”

“Liam and Trina!”

Hand in hand we move with confidence onto the stage. A force to be reckoned with. Bring it on.

Dazzling lights adorned the stage, and a giant screen displays the “Bride at First Sight”logo.

“Tonight, we’ll find out who our viewers voted as the couple most likely to succeed in marriage. It’s not too late to place your final vote.”

On the bottom of the screen, the newlywed’s names scroll in blue font. Four voting lines to choose from.

“We’ll go through the highlights of each couple’s journey over the past three months, starting with Victor and Regina.”

Oh, boy. This will be good.

Hidden camera footage appears onto the screen. Regina stomps into the living room. She holds up a toilet roll to Victor, who’s slouching on the sofa.

In an exasperated tone, she huffs. “The toilet paper should face forward, Victor.”

Behind Victor, in the corner of the room, Regina’s pet parrot squawks with impeccable timing. “Idiot. Idiot.”

The audience bursts into laughter.

I slap a hand to my mouth. “Oh, man,” I whisper to Liam. “What have they got on us?”

He squeezes my hand. “It's all good fun. Don't worry.”

As the video montage continues, showcasing the ups and downs of each couple, my nervousness builds.

Soon enough, it’s our turn. Pam points to the screen, and Rex sits still. Melanie links arms with Adam, sitting on the edge of her seat. Mom and Dad look a little worried. Granny Smith lets out a dog whistle.

I’m not embarrassed this time. I have an inkling my tenacious spirit comes from Gran. That’ll be me in forty-years’, embarrassing my grandkids.

The overhead screen shows the infamous moment when Liam slaps my sticky note “don't drink from the carton” to his own forehead and proceeds to guzzle half its contents. Little did he know, I was standing at the entrance to the dining area, hands on hips. When he turns and spots me, milk dribbles down his chin. The crowd erupts, and I can't help but join in the laughter, shaking my head at the memory.

The next scene shows me and Liam smooching in various corners of the apartment. Once in the walk-in pantry, another time over the kitchen countertop when I smothered chocolate over his mouth and had to kiss it off. Things got a bit hectic in the laundry room, and all the neatly folded clothes ended up crumpled on the floor. The couch, the couch, and the couch again. The sizzling kiss by the window before he scooped me up and headed for the bedroom. My cheeks do go hot at that one. And finally, the balcony where we watched a beautiful sunset together.

Liam hugs me from behind and kisses my neck. “Love you, wifey.”

I secretly nudge him in the ribs. He knows I hate it when he calls me that.

Martin, the host, armed with his charismatic charm and a few well-timed jokes, keeps the audience engaged between the commercial breaks. His banter with us and the other couples adds a light-hearted touch to the tense atmosphere. He cracks a joke about Liam’s infamous milk carton incident, making the entire room burst into laughter once again.

Finally, the moment arrives. Martin takes a deep breath. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, the votes are in. Let’s find out which couple the viewers have chosen as the most likely to remain married and live happily ever after.”

My heartbeat mimics the drumroll and the suspense builds. I hold my breath, stealing a quick glance at Liam, who looks just as nervous as I am. His eyebrows are furrowed, and he keeps fidgeting.

The host opens the envelope, and the corner of his eyes crinkle. “The couple who has captured the hearts of America, the couple deemed most likely to have a lifetime of wedded bliss, is none other than . . . Trina and Liam!”

A wave of relief and joy washes over me, and the room fills with cheers and applause. Liam and I exchange a stunned but elated look, our smiles widening with pure happiness. The journey may have been full of twists and turns, but somehow, we’ve won the hearts of America.

As we walk onto the stage toward Martin, hand and hand, streamers and confetti shower us from above. Flashing lights and whistles surround us. Our beautiful families stand and applaud, elated emotion clear on their faces.

Martin congratulates us both. Liam holds up our joined hands and the lyrics roll in my mind, “We are the champions.”

Liam swirls me into a dance. He lowers me to the floor in a classic move and kisses me thoroughly. The crowd goes berserk.

When he raises me into a standing position, Nicholas appears from stage right with a massive corflute bank check. My eyes nearly pop out of my head at all the zeros. Sweet mercy. We’re going on a real honeymoon . . . to Europe.

As I stand on that stage, hand in hand with Liam, the winner’s check in front of us, a whirlwind of emotions leave me half-crying, half-laughing. Our journey on “Bride at First Sight” may have been filled with challenges, misunderstandings, and heated moments, but in the end, love prevailed. As I gaze into Liam’s eyes, I know that we’re ready to embrace this new chapter together. With a new trust as our foundation and an unwavering commitment to each other, we embark on our happily ever after. The cameras may have stopped rolling, but our love story has just begun.

