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I find myself completely captivated by her presence, her vulnerability in this moment of pure bliss. The sight of her peaceful slumber after the journey she just had to undertake fills me with an overwhelming sense of admiration and awe.

If men had to have babies, we just simply wouldn’t.

Gently, I reach out to brush a lock of hair away from her face, careful not to disturb her rest. I marvel at the strength she displayed throughout the process, the resilience that carried her through each moment of pain and uncertainty.

In her sleep, she radiates a quiet strength that astounds me, reminding me of the incredible woman I’m privileged to call my wife.

As I stand there, observing her delicate features, a profound gratitude washes over me. I’m grateful for her unwavering love and her unwavering commitment to our growing family.

She has brought a precious life into the world, and in doing so, she has forever changed our lives.

At this moment, a deep adoration for Violetta consumes me.

She is the epitome of grace and courage, a beacon of love in my life.

I’m reminded of the countless sacrifices she has made and the endless love she has poured into nurturing our family.

I’m mesmerized by her beauty, not just the physical beauty that radiates from her, but the beauty that emanates from the depths of her mind. I’m utterly obsessed with the woman who has gifted me the most precious thing—our child.

I’m committed to cherishing and protecting them both, honoring the incredible bond that connects us. As I linger by her side, I silently pledge to be her unwavering support, her pillar of strength as she starts the journey of motherhood.

I vow to continue cherishing and adoring her, to be the partner she can always rely on.I’m reminded of the extraordinary love we share, a love that will only grow deeper with each passing day, having started out of understanding.

So I watch her sleep, my heart swelling with an indescribable mixture of love, admiration, and anticipation for the adventures that are coming at us at full speed.

I find solace in knowing that our love has been magnified by the arrival of our little one.

Together, we are embarking on a new chapter, one filled with unyielding love, shared dreams, and the joyous chaos that comes with raising a child.

Sol is the culmination of us. He’s perfect.

Nothing could ever top this moment as I stare at our creation.

Vio’s and my love was never perfect, but the pinnacle of it all is the baby that lies in my arms. “I promise you that I’ll be a better father,” I whisper to him, referencing the man whose blood runs through my veins.

I’m not scared about having a son.

I’m excited because I’ll give this little boy everything my biological father never did.
