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“Why?” Jocie leaned against the wall, blocking Paige from seeing her next appointment walking through the door. “That’s not what I expected you to ask me. Didn’t seem like your scene.”

It’s not. I think.“Rhea and I want to go somewhere different for date night soon,” she lied. “You know. Freshen things up.”

“Uh-huh…” Whatever Jocie calculated in her shrewd mind, she did not let on. “That’s not your normal nightclub, you know. People like… have kinky sex there.”

“It’s also a regular nightclub in other ways, right?”

“Yes. With themed nights. So if you were thinking this weekend… you’re probably expected to dress a certain sexy way.”

“You’re not helping.” And Paige wasn’t getting to her next client quickly enough, although he was thankfully caught up in conversation with someone else. “Look, it’s fine. She merely asked me to ask you if Loren… or whoever… might want to double date this weekend. Or sometime soon.”

Jocie thought about that while staring straight into Paige’s lying eyes. “I think Maya and I are due a night out on the town, only the two of us.” She referred to the third woman in her triad, the younger lady whom she and Loren had pursued individually before the three of them decided togo for ittogether. “She loves the club scene. All right. This Saturday. You two will have to get a trial membership, but since you’re a couple, and both women… eh, you can afford it.”

“Thank you for your belief in our finances.”

Jocie laughed. “I’ve gotta get going. I’ll text Rhea the details since I don’t think I have your number.”

“All right. Sure.” That put Paige on quite the spot, although she didn’t let it show as she waved Jocie out into the parking lot.I’ve gotta get to Rhea before Jocie does.This couldn’t sound like Paige’s spontaneous idea. Not because she couldn’t bespontaneous,but because Rhea would never believe that the kinky nightclub was anyone’s idea but her own.

So… it had to sound like her idea. That’s all there was to it.

Chapter 7

“Jesus,Joce.”Rheaemergedfrom her house staring at the convertible in her driveway. “When did you getthis?”

Her friend, dressed in linen pants that flared around her clear stilettos and a lacy bralette that leftnothingto the imagination, gestured to the voluptuous woman in a brown tube dress in the passenger seat of her car. “What my baby wants, she gets.”

“You’re saying this is your car?” Rhea asked Maya, Jocie’s younger girlfriend.

“No way!” The woman unbuckled her seatbelt and leaped up, her barely contained breasts threatening to flop right onto the windshield. “Jocie messes with people. You know that.”

Sure do.Like how Rhea knew that Jocie was messing with her when she and Paige brought forward the idea of a double date… to Hellfire, no less.That’s the last place I expect my wife to want to go, but I won’t say no.It must have been the influence of Dr. Seville and her pleas of “spontaneity” to keep the love alive. Yet when Rhea heard howsoonthey were going there, she immediately booked an appointment at the laser clinic and pushed back a meeting with her editor so she could search the local high-end thrift store for something “new and exciting.”

Because how often did this chance present itself?

“Where’s Paige?” Jocie asked, completely overlooking Rhea’s suit pants and pinstripe vest ensemble. “Is she still getting ready?”


Jocie raised two immaculate eyebrows. What she didn’t want to admit was that she and her old schoolmate Rhea both went to the same laser hair clinic in Santa Monica. “What does that mean? Has she been up there getting ready for the past five hours?”

“Paige’s process may have started right after lunch, yes. She came down for the takeout I ordered for dinner and then went right back up to our room.”

“How thick was the mud mask on her face?”

Rhea demonstrated with her hands on either side of her hips. “Could drive a truck over it.”

When Paige finally emerged from the house ten minutes later, all eyes were on her. Especially Rhea, who hadn’t seen that dress in a long time.

“Holy moly,” she muttered.

“Someone’s excited for the newBarbiemovie,” Jocie said, louder, her girlfriend putting both pinkies in her mouth and giving Paige an enthusiastic whistle.

Paige brushed some of her curls out of her face and waved to Maya, who returned it with the kind of energy that screamed she had pre-gamed before hitting the club with her girlfriend.

“Thanks, guys.” Paige locked the front door behind her and shuffled toward the convertible in a pair of white stiletto heels. Her hot pink wrap dress with a sprinkling of rhinestones glittered in the setting Santa Monica sun, but once she caught the look on her wife’s face, she said, “I’ve got ballet flats in my bag.”

“You’ll need ‘em.” Rhea couldn’t take her eyes off her wife as Paige tackled the slight incline in the driveway with trepidation. Jocie opened the door while Maya pulled up the seat so Paige could get in. “You lookgreat,Paige!”
