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Paige waited for the girl in the black dress to be gone before saying anything. “You sure shut that down fast.” A part of her was surprised. Wasn’t Rhea the one wanting to push the boundaries?

“There’s no way she was twenty-one,” Rhea said. “I’ll eat my hat. I don’t have a hat.”

“You sure? Kids are looking younger than ever.”

“Says the woman who had a fake ID in college.”

“Yeah, to get beer, not to infiltrate sex clubs. Wouldn’t they know if it was fake?”

Rhea shook her head, an admission of confused defeat. “I think that show is about to start. Are you still interested?”

Paige was, but if only to get out of this awkward conversation.A lot is happening quickly.Including the feelings overtaking Paige, who was no longer used to processing so many so quickly.

Even in her flats, Paige was shaky on her feet as they walked to the main performance area, which was already filling up with excited attendees. Paige didn’t see their friends, but she saw Irene and Josh from across the room.Don’t make eye contact…Instead, Paige accidentally locked eyes with the young woman in the black dress. It forced Paige to confront whether she thought this girl was as old as she purported to be.

Yet there were so many people in the room with them that Paige lost contact. Her seat was slightly elevated, though, and it allowed her to see the stage as clearly as Rhea, who wrapped her arm around her wife as if Paige were in danger of being carted off over someone else’s shoulder.

I shouldn’t think of it like that. It’s the woman I love spending affectionate time with me.Even if they were about to watch two people who had never met each other before engaging in something as heated as BDSM…

Paige wasn’t bothered by the prospect until both women took the stage, already dressed down to their underwear and assuming positions that implied they had done this before.

It really should have been the strangest, most uncomfortable thing Paige Powell had ever witnessed. Hell, the whole environment was a trip and a half for a woman who had never before played the voyeur with her wife.I’m old and worldly enough to know that people consent to this stuff every day.Didn’t Paige and Rhea have friends who were into the “underground” lifestyle? Rhea had even written it into one of her stories, although she didn’t go as far as to visit Hellfire for “research.” Yet here they were, braless Paige garnering attention for her look as she sat with her wife in the back of the room while one woman bent over a pommel horse and another flogged her ass for the whole club to watch.

Doesn’t that hurt?Paige winced every time the submissive woman shot forward on the pommel horse, her widened legs wobbling from impact while her mouth courted a wordless scream of acquiescence.Do people really like this?

What a rhetorical question.

Paige should have known better than to question that. Because the show had barely run ten minutes before couples broke away from the audience with knowing smiles on their lips. A pair next to Paige and Rhea continued to whisper in each other’s ears, one woman slowly losing more of her clothing as the show continued. Paige took her wife’s hand in her lap and didn’t notice when Rhea’s fingertips brushed against the flirtatious hem of a pink skirt.

Because there was a reason Paige’s breath was locked in her chest and she couldn’t stop touching her chest every time the flogger cracked against her skin. At first, she assumed it was the shock of the situation. After all, what was shedoinghere? Trying to prove to herself – and the world – that she was still cool, hip, and ready to party with whatever?I wasn’t into drugs as a youth. Instead, I was addicted to girls.There were two on the stage right now. There was another making eyes with Irene and Josh as if they deserved someone in a black sheath dress. And there was probably the whole contingent from the gangbang quarter who had to drop a woman from a BDSM cross to seethisfor themselves.

The whole club was charged in a way that was both foreign and electrifying to Paige, a woman who plied her trade with some of the most self-absorbed people in LA. For all she knew, one of them was here now, but they would never notice her. Their eyes were locked on the stage, where the submissive with a red ass was brought to the chains hanging from the ceiling and brought the bountiful pleasure of a pair of nipple clamps. The dominatrix engaged the crowd by asking if her “dirty, slutty sub” deserved the overwhelming vibrations of a sex toy while tiny weights were added to the chain hanging from the nipple clamps. The answer was, of course, a resounding applause in support of truly fucking up the woman on stage.

“If you had to choose between a spanking or having your nipples tortured…” Rhea whispered in her wife’s ear. “Which would you choose?”

Paige immediately slammed her hand over one of her breasts. “Definitely the spanking,” she hissed. “My nipples are only fortenderly teasing.”

Yet the submissive on stage loudly moaned every time another tiny weight was added to her chain. When the intensity of the vibrator strapped to her mound was turned up, her legs buckled, feet lifted off the ground as she remained completely suspended from the air. An employee dressed in all black stayed at the back of the stage to ensure the chains from the ceiling remained taut, but all eyes were on the orgasmic bliss shuddering through a total stranger.

“I didn’t say you could come yet, slut,” the dominatrix said. “I swear, they don’t listen these days!”

What was supposed to be a moment of levity was chaos for Paige, who had to face something that never once crossed her mind or struck her heart in her nearly twenty years of having sex – some years more often than others.

This wasactuallyhot. Not only because an attractive naked woman was having her sexual shit kicked on stage, or that fifty people were watching, but becausesomethingin the woman’s heady complexion triggered an inspirited thought in Paige’s mind.

It was bliss, wasn’t it? A transcended physical pleasure that highlighted everything missing in Paige’s sex life… with or without Rhea.

“You all right?” her wife asked.

Paige had not realized that her whole body was stiff against Rhea’s body. “Here,” she whispered back, bringing her wife’s hand to the crevice between her thighs. “All the cool kids are doing it.”

“You’re kidding…”

Paige was dead serious. Something tingled inside of her, and it wasn’t the simple arousal that chased her throughout her adult life. It was the unknown. It wasadventure.Something as sweet as the way two kinky strangers shared a kiss on stage before the spanking recommenced made Paige yearn for some simple pleasures of her own. Where else could she go with her wife where getting felt up in front of everyone else was completely allowed? Or even encouraged?

One thing Paige could say on her deathbed was that she was not an exhibitionist. Nor was she particularly a voyeur who wanted to spend every weekend watching shows like these. She didn’t need to chase the “next hot thing” or go to therapy for how sexually desensitized she had become over the years. Yet she did enjoy the look on Rhea’s face when she realized that her hand was on her wife’s underwear. Paige encouraged her to keep going, yet Rhea was hesitant. At the end of the day, she had less experience with these things.

No, not sex.I made sure of that early on in our relationship.No wonder Rhea felt so put out now. She had come to see Paige as a source of sexual revelry and carnal bonding. What had Paige done? Focused on work. The home. Finances. Everything but what made them spark for the very first time, all the way back on the Santa Monica Pier.
