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“Oh, I ran into Mrs. Filly the other day and told her you were moving back.” Hadlee’s words ring in my ears, and it takes a moment for them to register. Mrs. Filly has owned The Little Button Bakery since it opened in 1982. I worked for her my entire high school career, right up until I left for college following my parents’ deaths. “She said you have a job there if you want it.”

“Really?” I ask, my interest peaked. Baking has been my passion for years, and with my degree in business management, I’ve always wanted to open my own bakery.

“Yeah, really.”

“I’ve been itching to get back into baking,” I say wistfully. “George hated it when I baked. He wanted me to lose more weight and made me feel awful anytime I made cookies or pies.”

“Are you kidding?” Hadlee looks furious. Since we grew up together, Hadlee is one of the only people to know about my struggle with my weight. I’ve always been on the heavier side, and it took almost starving myself to death to come to the realization that I didn’t need to be skinny to love myself. “I swear to God, I’m gonna kill him next time I see him.”

“It’s okay,” I say, brushing hair away from my face. “He’s not worth going to jail for.”

“I can’t believe he did that.”

“I’m okay, Lee, promise.”

“Do you want to swing by the bakery and make it official?” Hadlee offers after a moment of silence.

“Yeah, I think that’s a really good idea.”

Chapter Two


“Hurry, hurry, hurry!” I call out to my girls, ushering them inside. It’s too fucking cold to be outside, and they refused to wear the damn hats I bought them. The bookstore is dark inside, but Maddie quickly flips the switch as she steps inside. I help Morgan hop up the last step, collecting the mail as we go. The little bell above the door rings as the door closes behind us, and I let go of my youngest’s hand.

“Daddy?” Morgan calls from the front window, her nose pressed against the glass. “When are we going to put pretty lights up like the rest of the shops?”

“I don’t know, sweetie,” I reply, turning my attention to the mail as I walk around the counter.Another bill.

“I want lights,” Morgan cries. “They look like twinkling fairies.”

“Daddy.” Maddie joins her sister’s pouting. I sigh, taking in her crossed arms and disapproving frown. “It’s almost Christmas, and we don’t even have a tree yet.”

“Are we getting atree, Daddy?” Morgan asks in excitement, turning her chubby face toward me with the biggest smile. Her amber eyes, exact replicas of mine, light up in delight. “Mama loved decorating the tree.”

My heart breaks a little at the mention of Laura, and despite my resolve not to decorate, I can’t deny their hopeful anticipation. “Sure, we can get a tree.”

Their chorus of excitement fills the bookshop, and I grin as they clasp hands and dance in a circle. Before Laura died, I promised her I would strive to keep the light present in their lives. A tree won’t hurt anything.

The bell above the door rings again, calling our attention to the man who just stepped inside. Pulling his winter hat off, he tousles his dark brown curls with a free hand before barking a joyful, “Hello, family!”

“Uncle Benji!” The girls clamor over themselves to reach my brother, and he drops to his knees to welcome their hugs with a wide grin.

“What’s this?” he says in amazement, holding the girls at arm’s length. I roll my eyes at his antics as my girls giggle, waiting for him to continue. “You’ve grown so much since I saw you last.”

“You saw us last night, Uncle Benji!” Maddie reminds him while Morgan dissolves into a fit of laughter.

“No, that can’t be.” Benji looks at me and frowns. “And who’s that old man over there?”

“That’s Daddy!” Morgan says through her giggles. I shake my head, fighting a smile.

“Daddy? When did he get soold?”

“Daddy’s always been old,” Morgan replies before she points at Benji’s face. “And so are you, Uncle Benji!”

I guffaw, ignoring the pointed look my younger brother sends me. “Ah, but your daddy is older than me, Morg.”

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