Page 12 of His to Break

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"God, you're big," Caleb moaned, throwing his head back. "By the way, that's not dirty talk, you mafia piece of shit. Fuck, that's annoying. I wish you weren't hung, so I could make fun of you."

"For something you hate, you look like you're taking it pretty fuckin' happily." Ryker knew better than to believe the honeyed lies dripping from Caleb’s tongue, but it didn’t make them any less enticing. "Even though I know damn well you're faking it."

Caleb's eyes flickered with surprise before settling back into that infuriatingly cocky expression. "What makes you think I'm not enjoying myself?"

"Because I haven't heard you scream my name yet," Ryker said, determination burning in his gaze. "But don't worry, sweetheart, I'll make sure you do."

With that, Ryker began to fuck up into Caleb with renewed vigor, each thrust nearly lifting the younger man off his cock before slamming him back down again. The room filled with the sounds of their bodies colliding, the heady scent of arousal thick in the air.

Caleb's smirks and sly remarks were wiped out, replaced by gasps and moans as Ryker pushed him closer to the edge. Caleb leaned down to brace himself against the bed, his hands on either side of Ryker's face. His smarmy expression disappeared as he panted hard, driving himself down on Ryker's cock, needing more.

Caleb was hot, desperate, all his: Ryker wanted to burn the image into his retinas to savor it forever.

"Come on, baby," Ryker growled between gritted teeth, sweat dripping from his brow as he continued his relentless pace. "Let me hear you say my name."

Caleb's body trembled, his breath hitching as he finally moaned, "Ryker..."

The sound was like a balm to the older man's ears.

But it lasted only a heartbeat before Caleb's face split into a wicked grin. "Gotcha," he whispered.

And before Ryker could react, Caleb tugged something out from underneath the pillow, moving quick as a snake. The cold metal of handcuffs snapped around his wrist, chaining him to the bedframe.

Panic clawed at Ryker's chest, but it was quickly replaced by a burning fury as he realized Caleb had played him from the very beginning.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ryker growled, struggling against the cuffs to no avail.

"Sorry,baby," Caleb said with a smirk, hopping off Ryker's cock and leaving him achingly hard and unsatisfied. "You know how it is."

The younger man moved with surprising speed, hastily redressing as Ryker continued to seethe in disbelief. He watched as Caleb pulled on his pants, his shirt, his shoes – all with that infuriating air of nonchalance.

"Bye, now! See you never!" Caleb trilled, shrugging on his jacket. He paused for a split-second, a smirk on his face. "Can't say I didn't enjoy what I got, though."

The words stung, and Ryker clenched his jaw, feeling an odd mix of betrayal and begrudging admiration for Caleb's cunning. As much as he wanted to deny it, there was something undeniably captivating about the way the young man wore his deception like a second skin.

With a final wink and a jaunty wave, Caleb sauntered out of the bedroom, leaving Ryker shackled to the bed, his hard cock still out.

As the door clicked shut behind him, Ryker couldn't help but think of how perfectly he'd been played. He should have known better than to let his guard down around someone as slippery as Caleb Colby. And yet, despite the anger coursing through him, there was an unshakable feeling deep within that whispered: this wasn't over.

No, Ryker thought, gritting his teeth, this was far from over.

Caleb might have won this round, but he wouldn't be so lucky next time.

Chapter six

Calebrushedacrossthestreet, tucking in his clothes as he went, his few important things in the bag on his back. He barged into Rosa's house without knocking. "Rosa!" he called out urgently, his voice filled with anxiety.

Rosa looked up in surprise from where she was playing with her small grandchildren, and the expression on her face mirrored the confusion in the room. Eli, sitting on the floor with the children, blinked at the sudden commotion.

Caleb hurriedly tried to explain, his words tumbling out in a rush. "I'm sorry, but I have to take Eli back now. Something's come up."

He tried to maintain his composure, but it was hard to act cool when you'd just chained a horny mafia enforcer to your bed.

Rosa couldn't have known any of that. However, she'd been babysitting Eli for him ever since Caleb had shown up in the small coastal town, and she was no fool. She'd clearly noticed that Caleb's requests for babysitting coincided with strange men showing up at Caleb's door.

It didn't matter. She was clearly used to people doing what they had to. "Was he trouble?"

"No, no trouble!" Caleb beamed, trying to hide the way that nervous sweat was dampening his shirt. He swept Eli up into his arms. "Time to go, little guy! Say goodbye!"
