Page 13 of His to Break

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As Eli singsonged his goodbyes to Rosa's grandkids, waving his chubby little hands unaware that this was the last time he'd see them, Caleb felt like the worst person on earth.

No, that title goes to the man you chained to your bed,he told himself.Mafia men are all the same.

"Be careful," Rosa said, and there was unsaid meaning in her eyes.

Caleb took a breath, and then gave her a soft smile. "I always am."

The airport was out of the question. It'd be the first place Ryker would look — and Caleb wasn't fool enough to believe that he'd humiliated Ryker enough to make the man simply give up and head home.

If anything, he'd be even harder on their trail. Angrier. Caleb shivered.

He'd headed in the opposite direction, following the closest highway, going as far as he could before he needed to find a place to crash. Now, the too-bright light of the motel room's lone lamp cast eerie shadows upon peeling wallpaper and stained carpet. The air hung heavy with the scent of cigarette smoke and mildew. Despite its dingy appearance, Caleb did his best to maintain a cheery disposition for Eli, who sat on the edge of his lumpy bed, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"Time for bed," Caleb said, forcing a smile as he tucked Eli beneath the thin, coarse sheets. "We've got a big day tomorrow."

"Just us?" Eli asked, his tiny voice full of genuine concern.

Caleb paused. "Who else would be coming?"

"Your friend."

"Oh." Caleb hesitated for a moment before replying, "He's a little tied up right now, but don't worry, he'll catch up with us soon." The lie slid off his tongue like butter, and he hoped it was convincing enough to quell Eli's worry.

"Okay," Eli murmured, his eyelids drooping as sleep came to claim him. "Uncle Caleb?" he asked quietly, his eyes still closed.


"Will you always be here with me?"

"Of course I will, kiddo." Caleb's voice was thick with emotion, the weight of his past actions and future responsibilities settling heavily on his shoulders. "I promise."

At that, Eli sighed contentedly and snuggled into his pillow.

As Eli's breathing slowed and deepened, Caleb dropped onto his own bed. His thoughts wandered, drifting like aimless ghosts through the shadowy recesses of his mind.

Caleb's gaze lingered on Eli, the kid's chest rising and falling gently with each breath. The light from the flickering neon sign outside the motel window cast a soft glow on the boy's cherubic face, the innocence in his slumber a stark contrast to the world that Caleb had stolen him from.

His thoughts drifted back to the day when Mia, Eli's mom, Caleb's best friend, took her last breath – her dying wish for her son to escape the clutches of Arkady Thorne and the dark underworld he ruled.

"Promise me you won't let him grow up like us," she'd whispered, her voice barely audible through the pain. And Caleb had sworn, without hesitation, to protect Eli with every ounce of his being.

But Arkady's men were relentless. When they'd heard that Mia had a son, they'd tracked him down, forcing the young boy to take a DNA test that would reveal, without a doubt, that Arkady was his father. Caleb had known then that he couldn't stay; not if he wanted to give Eli a chance at a life free from the shadows of crime and violence.

So, the very next day, he left everything behind – his home, his friends... his family.

"Rowan," Caleb murmured, his heart aching as he thought of his twin brother. He'd managed to leave him a warning before fleeing the country, praying it would be enough to keep Rowan safe from the wrath of the mafia.

I'm so sorry.He stared into the darkness, guilt clawing at his insides like a ravenous beast.I hope you're okay out there.

One dark thought was soon followed by another. It was almost funny, the way they came in flocks.Wouldn't it be nice to have someone who loved me like I love this kid?The thought sent a pang of longing through his heart, a visceral ache that he tried to squash down with a self-deprecating snort.Yeah, right. As if anyone could ever love a fuck-up like me.

The thought stung, but he couldn't deny its truth. He had driven away everyone who had ever cared for him – his friends, his lovers, and now, maybe even his brother.

God, what a pathetic mess I am, he admitted to himself.

He turned his head and looked at the window. Inside, a familiar beast began to growl for attention. It had always been with him.

A place like this was the sort of place where quick deals could be done, handing over a few bills for a few hours of pharmaceutical bliss. Up until Caleb had run away with Eli, that had been his go-to option for dealing with uncomfortable late-night hours — drown them out under a chemical buzz.
