Page 45 of Brute's Mate

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A shiver rushes through me at the possessiveness of his tone, but I also experience a surge of pulsating heat between my thighs. His dominance streams down the bond, a reminder that he’s watching and I’d better behave. As I sit on the hard chair, I’m reminded of the harsh punishment he gave me recently.

Angelo and his mother grab their evening rations and join us, and though I can’t question my friend about his whereabouts during the last week, I’m glad to know he’s safe.

While he and his mother live on Deck Twenty, they have always preferred the mess hall on Deck-Twenty-Two. I imagine after The Saviors’ attack, they likely wanted to lie low for a while. Or at least Angelo did, given that he knew so many of those who’d died during the attack on theHaxalland during today’s mass execution. I suppress a shudder as I wonder if he watched the spectacle broadcast on the info screens.

I dare a glance over my shoulder at Brute. Though his expression doesn’t change, he sends me another wave of affection.

I hear his voice again.

You’re mine, little female.



Two moon cycles pass,and I’m filled with a mix of relief and worry when the engineers announce they’ve finally completed repairs to theJansonna. Admiral Tornn recently informed me I would indeed be returning to theHaxxalwith the engineers, and he also reminded me that I would be permitted to claim a mate from among the one hundred human females in the second batch.

Which means I must make my move. I must claim Jenny and bring her back to theHaxxalwith me. I cannot leave her behind. I burn with the need to possess her, body and soul, and I yearn for the moment when I finally surge inside her with my cocks.

I check the time and hasten my steps. It’s almost time for Jenny and her mother to walk to the classrooms on Deck Fourteen, and I intend to be the male to escort them.

The ship suddenly shudders, and a quick glance out the nearest viewscreen in the corridor confirms my suspicions—we’ve dropped out of hyperdrive. Thankfully, the other vessels in the fleet are visible in the viewscreen. I send a quick message to Admiral Tornn, asking him what’s happening, then I continue on my way to Jenny’s quarters.

Just as my wrist comm buzzes and beeps with a new message, I glimpse an alarming sight in the viewscreen.

Ten huge alien ships of unknown origin.

A growl rumbles from my throat as I glare at the vessels. Then I glance at my wrist comm and growl again.Fluxx. The reply from Admiral Tornn is vexing indeed.

Grozznolan mercenaries just pulled us out of hyperdrive. A fleet of ten. A quick scan of their weaponry shows they are advanced but not so advanced that they will defeat us. Join Captain Warren and his top commanders onJansonna’sbridge and await further instruction.

I take off at a run for my mate’s quarters, wanting to alert her to the danger before I go to the bridge. I press the bell and bang on the door, and when too many moments pass, I withdraw my keycard and use it to enter Jenny’s abode. I stalk inside and find her staring out the viewscreen, her mother standing close.

Our eyes meet, and I send her a wave of warmth and comfort, a promise that she’ll be safe. I’ll keep her safe.

“Grozznolan mercenaries. Do not be afraid. Our weaponry is superior to theirs. Remain in your quarters. I must go to the bridge, but I will return as soon as possible. Remember, the upper decks are fortified to withstand significant damage in a battle. No matter what, remain in your quarters.” I send Jenny another surge of warmth, and I feel her worry through the bond, but she also sends me a wave of affection.

Stay safe, Brute. Please, stay safe.

I will. Now, remain in your quarters. Be obedient. I will have Chief Xorrsa join you as soon as I can contact him.

Her eyes widen, and she nods.

Then I bolt back into the corridor and rush to the bridge.

Captain Warren is standing next to his advisors, and all of them appear frightened. Their fear is a cold, putrid scent in the air. A screen mounted on the wall flickers to life, and the face of a strange creature the likes of which I’ve never seen appears before us. One of the Grozznolans, no doubt. It possesses two heads, and each head contains four dark, oval-shaped eyes. The mouths on the thing—one on each head—are slimy voids filled with sharp teeth. Though it takes a lot to disturb me, I find myself repressing a shudder.

I step forward, deciding to take the lead. Captain Warren certainly isn’t fit. He hasn’t even greeted the Grozznolan yet. All he’s done thus far is stand there like an idiot, shaking as he grows paler and paler, the scent of his fear rising with each passing moment.

“Hello,” I say in Galactic Common. “I am Officer Brute of theHaxxal. I serve as an advisor to Captain Warren of the human worldship, theJansonna. Please state your purpose. Why did you knock the Darrvason fleet and the human worldship out of hyperdrive?” I keep my voice firm but polite.

The Grozznolan’s pointed noses twitch, and its eight eyes blink and blink. “We have been paid to destroy every Darrvason in your fleet. Part of our payment also includes thirteen of the ships in your fleet—all the vessels aside from theHaxxaland theJansonna. If you surrender, however, we are willing to pack all your males onto a vessel and send you into the far reaches of the sector. We’ll spare your lives, though the ship we cram you on will have weapons and hyperdrive systems permanently disabled. If you decide to fight us, however, we will simply kill you.” The creature grins, both mouths gaping wide open. “We also demand the surrender of Captain Warren and every member of his command team. Their lives will be forfeit.”

“Who paid you?” I ask, though I have my suspicions. A large amount of galactic credits was recently transmitted from theJansonnato an unknown location, and I’m still in the process of tracking the payment.

“A group of rebels on theJansonna,” the Grozznolan replies. “Wealthy rebels, it would seem.”

The Saviors? No. They’re all dead. I’m certain of it. Another rebel group must be involved, and the group is likely funded by several of the Founders on the ship, or their descendants.
