Page 44 of Brute's Mate

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“We don’t need an escort to the mess hall,” I say sharply, looking at Chief Xorrsa. “You may leave.”

“Jenny! You don’t have to be so rude,” Mom says in Italian. “Besides, he’s here because Officer Brute ordered him to escort us to and from the mess hall today. Apparently, there were several instances of violence in the corridors last night, and as you might imagine, tensions are higher than ever given what’s about to happen today.”

“You used to despise the Darrvasons,” I say, also in Italian. “Aren’t you aware of the way this male is looking at you? Aren’t you aware of what he wants from you?”

Her eyes narrow. “I’ve already lost one daughter, and I’m about to lose another and damn if I know how to stop it from happening.” She huffs. “I’m simply being smart. I’m keeping my options open. If Brute takes you away from me, I want to be able to follow. I want to live among the Darrvasons, beasts though they may be. Yes, I know Ellie said we could visit one another on 58-Z, but that’s not good enough for me.”

Chief Xorrsa watches us carefully as we speak, his eyes darting between us. I resist the urge to throw one of the many pillows on the sofa at his head. He’s likely aware of my mother’s predicament—surely he must realize Brute has set his sights on me—and he’s all too happy to take advantage. I study his features. He’s slightly shorter than Brute, but he’s still massive compared to a human male. There are age lines on his face and his dark hair is peppered with white. Clearly, he’s one of the older Darrvasons, and perhaps that means he isn’t eligible to receive a human female in the nineteen to twenty-five age range.Godfuckingdammit, Mom.

“Mom,” I say gently, not wanting to argue. Especially today of all days. “Officer Brute promised me something—he promised you can come live with us on 58-Z, in the Darrvason settlement. Which means you’ll end up living near Ellie too. I-I didn’t tell you yet because, well, I didn’t want you to worry. Brute says he plans to claim me no matter what I do or say. He won’t change his mind. It’s going to happen, though I’m not certain when. He has a mission to complete on theJansonna, and he needs to finish it first. But you don’t have to entice Chief Xorrsa to claim you. You won’t need to take a Darrvason mate, and I really don’t want that for you.”

Her eyes widen with surprise, and she glances at Chief Xorrsa before returning her gaze to me. “Has Brute hurt you, darling? Are you afraid of him?”

I don’t answer immediately. Brute is bossy as fuck, and he’s punished me a few times. My ass is currently covered in welts from the whipping he gave me last night, but there’s no way in hell I’ll admit that to my mother. I swallow hard and carefully choose my words. “Darrvasons are rough and possessive, Mom. I know Brute cares about me, but he can be very stern at times, and I don’t want that for you. Dad was so sweet and even-tempered. Darrvason males can be pretty overbearing. Please try to dissuade Chief Xorrsa.”

Mom gives me a worried look. But before she can reply, Chief Xorrsa says, “I would like to have you females back from the mess hall before eight o’clock. We should depart soon. Perhaps you can continue this conversation over breakfast.”



We don’t continuethe conversation over breakfast. The mood in the mess hall is bleak, and we eat our rations in silence and head back to our quarters quickly, Chief Xorrsa trailing behind us. He doesn’t come inside our living space again, which is a huge relief.

I’m not sure whether I ought to make Brute aware of the situation. If I ask him to prevent Chief Xorrsa from claiming my mother, will he help? Or will he say it’s out of his hands?

Mom disappears into her bedroom, and I sit facing the viewscreen, lost in my thoughts and the gloom of the day. I also can’t help but miss Brute. Every second that I’m away from him feels wrong. My arms tingle and itch, and I scratch them as I gaze at the Darrvason fleet.

I focus on theHaxxaland think about Ellie. God, I hope she’s truly happy with Admiral Tornn. Perhaps I ought to let her know what’s going on with Mom and Chief Xorrsa. She’s fully mated to a Darrvason and has spent time living around the aliens. Maybe she’ll have some insight.

The info screen turns on with a beep, and I check the time. Still twenty minutes until the first execution, which I have no intention of watching. But perhaps there’s an important announcement.

Mom exits her bedroom and we both come to stand in front of the large screen. Text begins to scroll by slowly, and it’s narrated by Captain Warren’s smug voice. He tries to infuse a hint of warmth in his tone, but I know him well enough to know he feels nothing but disdain for the occupants of the worldship.

Attention citizens of theJansonna:

I have joyous news to share. Our Darrvason friends have recently located a planet called 58-Zallnanis that will be perfect for humankind. It’s sixty-eight percent water, has breathable air, and contains several large continents that are brimming with life. We will reach the planet in about five months. Another joyous development—the Darrvasons have also decided to settle on 58-Zallnanis, though they do not plan to live on the same continent as humankind.

Truly, today is a day for rejoicing. Let us not forget that if The Saviors had succeeded in overthrowing the Darrvasons and gaining control of theJansonna, all would be lost and we wouldn’t be mere months away from a brand-new life on a beautiful world. Let us rejoice in the justice that is about to prevail.

Be well and be kind to one another.

The captain’s message repeats on a loop a few times before the info screen shuts off.

Mom snorts. “That conniving little weasel. Leave it to Captain Warren to oh so casually announce the discovery of 58-Z and the Darrvasons’ plan to share the planet with us on the day sixty rebels are set to be executed.” She shakes her head. “Come on. Help me find a bedsheet to throw over the info screen, and perhaps something strong enough to smash against the speaker. I don’t want to see or hear thejusticethat’s about to take place, and I doubt you do either.”

After we take care of the info screen, we spend most of the day reading quietly, both of us lost in our own thoughts. When Chief Xorrsa knocks to ask if we would like to go to lunch, we decline, neither of us wanting to pass one of the many info screens in the corridors or see the giant one in the mess hall.

By the time evening arrives, however, we know the executions must all be over. Five every hour until all sixty are gone… yes, it’s over. Thank God. I say a quick prayer for the departed souls and hope they find peace. I also hope no other rebel groups try anything similar to The Saviors.

Brute arrives to escort us to the mess hall at dinnertime. His visage is closed off and formal, and I have a difficult time reading his thoughts or sensing his emotions. Then it hits me that he’s probably shielding me from the brutality of what he witnessed today.

Just before we enter the mess hall, he sends me a surge of warmth that wraps around me like a hug, and I blink back tears. I want so badly to run to him and sink into his arms, but I can’t very well do that in the middle of the mess hall with everyone watching.

Brute sits at a table with Chief Xorrsa and two other Darrvason males. Every time I glance his way, I find him staring at me. But it doesn’t alarm me the way it did the first time he stared at me in the mess hall. So much has happened since that day. I’ve gone from fearing him to craving him and looking forward to our time spent in the alcove each night.

When a familiar face strides into the mess hall, I’m filled with relief, and before I realize what I’m doing, I’m eagerly waving Angelo and his mother over to our table. Then I experience a jolt of fear. What if Brute freaks out and goes all caveman on Angelo?

Don’t think romantic thoughts about him and I won’t make a scene, comes Brute’s deep voice in my head.Don’t sit too close to him, either. If he touches you, I might snap his neck. You’re mine, little female. Never forget that.
