Page 112 of Secret Vendettay

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“Franco Hopkins represents an active threat against Luna. Her life is in danger. Is that not more important?”

“I have the names of several other private investigators that can take over the case of Franco Hopkins.”

“I need you, Barry,” I argued. “And I still don’t understand your pushback. I’ve retained your services and am paying you top dollar. What difference does it make what I ask you to do?”

“I take pride in the types of cases I work, Mr. Lockwood. The unsolved murder of the patriarch of the Lockwood empire is something that sent shivers through the law enforcement community. It’s a significant case for private investigators. Understanding who killed this powerful man and why is something that sparked my interest years ago, and that’s the case I agreed to take on. Not Franco Hopkins. I have other jobs lined up, waiting for me once I’ve completed this one.”

My voice grew desperate. “I’ll double your pay.”

He shook his head slowly. “It’s not about the money, Mr. Lockwood.”

I leaned forward in my chair, elbows on the mahogany desk. “Name your price. I’ll make it worth your while.”

His eyes shifted away from mine, but the words were firm. “The Chicago Police—”

“Are working a multitude of cases, this being only one of them. I need someone who wakes up every single day and has a team of people working this twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week until we locate Franco. I need somebody who is highly skilled at finding people and information that others cannot. And that person is you, Barry. So, tell me this. What is it going to take for you to work this case?”

Barry ran a frustrated hand across his jaw. I wondered if he was considering walking away, but if he did that, he would lose the opportunity to work on my father’s unsolved murder case. And might spend the rest of his career regretting it.

People like Barry got off on the hunt, the thrill of the mystery solved. And the thrill of being the one to solve that mystery.

“I still want you to work on my father’s case,” I said. “That will not change, I assure you. But I will not be able to focus on anything so long as Luna is in danger.”

Barry let out a deep, exasperated sigh. His gaze dropped to the ground, and he remained quiet for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, his eyes met mine, wrapped in contemplation.

“What’s your plan once you find him?” Barry asked.

“Turn him over to the police. Have him arrested for threatening Luna and breaking into her cottage.”

Barry stared at me.

“You could hire a team of people to help you with this,” I said. “And I will fund that additional team for two years after our work together has concluded. Think about all the cases you could take on over the next couple of years with that extra help.”

More mysteries to solve. No matter how much he denied it, money like that didn’t come around every day.

Barry’s fingers moved in slow, circular motions as he massaged his temples, his eyes closed in concentration.

I leaned back in my seat as silence stretched between us, heavy and palpable.

Finally, he opened his eyes, his gaze intense, before offering a slight nod.

My body dropped in relief. Finally a break.

I stood up and set off to find Luna.

To tell her the good news.



Geez. I was overwhelmed by the sheer scale of Hunter’s closet, not to mention the rich finish on the white shelves, built-in cabinets, and drawers. Meticulously arranged clothing, shoes, and accessories wrapped around a room larger than my entire cottage—complete with its own center island with a white-and-gray marble counter, where expensive-looking colognes were on display.

The smell of fine leather wafted through the air from a collection of exquisite Italian shoes that sat on the shelves along the far wall—each shelf with custom light. All held in the perfect temperature and humidity, thanks to the hum of the climate control system.

It was staggering. How could I look through the entire thing for clues fast enough?

And what was I looking for exactly? A confession note that said,Dear diary, I’m secretly the Windy City Vigilante because I enjoy killing people, and I have an affinity for slitting throats?
