Page 111 of Secret Vendettay

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Hunter’s lips pressed firmly together as he came closer, the fury in his eyes intensifying. His hand shot up suddenly, cupping my jaw with a fierceness that made my breath catch in my throat.

“You’re not leaving this house until Franco’s caught,” Hunter declared.

“The Vigilante could have been lying,” I said, testing him to see what his reaction would be. “For all we know, there are no hit men out there.”

“That’s not a chance I’m willing to take,” Hunter said.

Which didn’t help. That could be a response, no matter who Hunter really was.

“We have no idea how long that will take,” I said.

“I don’t care.”

“Well, I do. The police have been looking for him for two weeks—this could drag on for months. Maybe even longer.”

“You can’t leave this house, Luna. It’s not safe. Give us some time. This is new intel, so the cops will put more people on it.”

I evaluated him, unwilling to admit that I was scared. Being scared made me feel like I was letting the bad guys win, but I needed to be reasonable here. So did he.

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll reschedule every case on my calendar for the next week and hide out here. If they haven’t caught Franco by then, I’ll happily accept asharpincrease in security until they do.”

Hunter didn’t like this compromise. That was clear in the veins pulsing through his neck, but luckily, before he could argue this further, his cell phone rang.

When he pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the screen, his lips turned down.

“Barry’s waiting for me in my office,” Hunter said. “Have Maria make you whatever you want for dinner.”

He kissed my forehead before answering his phone and turning around.

“Grayson. I can’t talk right now,” Hunter said as he ambled out of the great room and down the lower-level hallway.

Leaving the upstairs completely empty…

The staircase stretched in front of me, my throat running dry at this sudden opportunity.

I couldn’t pass this up.

I just hoped I wouldn’t get caught…



“Candidly, I don’t understand why you’re giving me pushback,” I said with restrained anger. “You were already investigating Franco.”

“While working your father’s case in parallel. You’re asking me to allocateallresources to this.”

“Until Franco’s caught, yes.”

Barry scratched the side of his temple.

My home office was usually a place of peace and order, but now it was tense and ominous, like a storm brewing on the horizon. The leather armchair looked like it was trying to swallow Barry as he sat in it while the window cast shadows that flickered across his face.

“With respect, sir,” Barry started, “I was hired to investigate your father’s murder. I’ve extended patience thus far, but you didn’t hire me to chase after Franco Hopkins. Something like that is…”

Below his pay grade. That’s what he was about to say.

I clenched my jaw and looked him steadily in the eye.
