Page 149 of Secret Vendettay

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I had once read that the abdomen was a very painful place to be shot or stabbed. It was too high of a risk, though. Too many organs I could hit, which would end this before I even got started.

I grabbed the knife and plunged it behind his kneecap, twisting the blade through his screams, until I heard a tendon pop.



Was that a scream?

It was so muffled, and sounded so far away, that I couldn’t be sure it wasn’t my imagination. I was standing in the guest bedroom on the top floor of Hunter’s mansion, but I swore I just heard a scream. Or was it an animal outside?

The woods surrounding the mansion often had coyotes howling at night.

But it sounded human.

Or was my imagination running wild, twisting everything into a terrifying possibility?

I stood completely still, halting my footsteps so as not to make a sound, and I waited, listening to see if I could hear it again.



Franco groaned. He had a mixture of anger, desperation, and fear, all blending together into a smoothie of death.

I stabbed him in his other knee, twisting the blade until I heard another pop.

My therapist once told me to write out my emotions. If only I could tell her that slicing tendons felt far better.

This time, Franco groaned and thrashed around in his chair, as if his anger alone might hold the key to unlock his freedom.

“Here’s what I’m thinking,” I said. “I’m thinking I start from the bottom and work my way up.”

I pushed the blade of the knife beneath the skin of his thigh, choosing an angle one might do if they were trying to skin a fish.

The sound of Franco’s screams was enchanting.

If only I could set my ringtone to it.

“Nah,” I decided. “I think I’ll just go for wherever the spirit takes me.”

I twisted the knife before sliding it out of his thigh, tearing a six-inch gash in his leg.

I’d cauterize it in a minute—I wanted him conscious for that, too, but I’d give myself one other thing to cauterize before that happened.

I grabbed his ear and tugged it away from his skull.

“Don’t,” Franco whined. “Please, man.”

My knife tore through the flesh and cartilage with ease, and in one swipe, Franco Hopkins no longer had a left ear.

He screamed, of course, but I tossed his ear to the floor with a splat and walked to the other side. Grabbing his right ear this time.



Those were definitely human screams.While muffled and distant, those piercing cries almost sounded like they came from somewhereinsidethis house.
