Page 150 of Secret Vendettay

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Adrenaline made my fingers tremble as I raced to think of my next move. The smart option would be to run outside and wait for the police to arrive, who were already on their way.

But what if those screams belonged to Hunter?

I redialed the last incoming number from my phone.


“I hear screaming,” I said. “From inside the mansion.”

“Luna, get the hell out of there,” Detective Rinaldi snapped.

“Tell the cops they have probable cause. To come in armed.”


“Tell them to hurry.”

And then I hung up.

I needed to get to one of the security panels, and set off the alarm so Hunter’s team would also descend. They had made it to the cottage in fifty seconds, so chances were, they would arrive here faster than the police.

I stepped out into the hallway and looked right, toward the long corridor that would eventually lead to the grand staircase, which would lead to the great room, and then the front foyer. Security panel number one.

Option two, Hunter said he kept another panel in his master bedroom. Which was much closer to the spot where I was currently standing.

With my body aching in protest, I took off running and charged into his bedroom with my heart lodged in my throat, but I didn’t see a security panel.

Where was it?

I ran into the master bathroom and flipped on the lights. No panel.

What the hell?

Frustrated, I ran into the master bedroom again and glanced around.

I thought he said he had a second panel in here, but maybe I heard wrong. Was it in a different room? In the hallway maybe? I didn’t have time to hunt; I needed to run downstairs, activate the security panel on the first floor, and then look for Hunter.

But just as I was about to leave the bedroom, another scream echoed through the mansion.

Only…this one sounded closer. It sounded like it was coming from behind me.

I turned around, but the only thing behind me was the master closet.

With slow steps, I advanced toward it. It didn’t sound close enough to beinsidethe closet, but I was still afraid to surprise a bad guy all the same.

I entered the closet and looked around, but nothing was out of place. There didn’t appear to be any kind of scuffle or a break-in of any kind.

So, where the hell had that sound come from?

Another scream ripped through the air, and this time, I could hear exactly which direction it was coming from. The far wall of the closet. I stepped closer to it, confused. Something about it seemed off, though I couldn’t put my finger on it. Not at first, at least.

But as I studied it, I realized the shelving unit to the right was out of alignment.

It’s a door.

The last time I’d been in here, I hadn’t noticed it because everything had been in order and this door was camouflaged to look like a shelf.

Why would someone hide a door like this?
