Page 55 of Secret Vendettay

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Because honestly, it looked like it could go either way.

The fact that I was wondering if he’d slam me against the car and stroke his hands over my body was psychosis-level concerning. The fact that I kind of wanted it? Made me wonder if I was sane at all.

“Please,” he said through gritted teeth, his chest rising closer to mine. “Get in.”

Hunter Lockwood should not look sexy to me right now. I shouldn’t notice how his normally polished hair looked like he’d been shoving his hand through it repeatedly as he raced to come help me. And I shouldn’t feel this sensual energy bouncing between us as Hunter towered over me, commanding me to obey.

Nor should I surrender to him and his orders, and yet I pushed aside my hurt and confusion—making a mental promise to confront him about it—and plopped into the passenger seat.

I was glad I’d buckled my seat belt because once Hunter pulled out onto the road, he shifted his aggression to the gas pedal. Within a couple of minutes, he flew onto the on-ramp and accelerated to ninety-five miles an hour, weaving in and out of traffic.

Outside my window, the asphalt flew beneath our tires, and I clutched my seat belt tightly, but not nearly as tight as Hunter’s grip that was strangling the steering wheel.

His silence began to grate on my nerves, especially when it exceeded twenty minutes. Then forty. By the time an hour of silence had passed, anger reclaimed control ofmysteering wheel.

“Look, you’re obviously pissed, and I get that it’s upsetting that Franco’s guy came after me, but what is with the attitude?”

“You’re a magnet for danger.” Hunter twisted his hands on the wheel. “You know that? You’re a danger magnet.”

I gripped the sides of my seat. “I appreciate you coming all the way out here and giving me a ride, but you’re being mean right now.”

“If you wanted to get yourself killed, you should’ve done it before I grew to give a shit about you.”

“That’s so sweet. You should put that on a Hallmark card.”

“This isn’t funny, Luna. Do you have a goddamned death wish?”

“A death wish? I visited my dad.”

“Beforethey found Franco and locked him up. And”—Hunter shoved two fingers into the air—“someone else threatened you if you didn’t drop your dad’s case, not to mention the conference that might’ve pissed off the Vigilante.” A third finger rose. “Yet you traipse over to Joliet Prison all by yourself.”

“My dad was in the infirmary on Friday, and I wanted to check if he was okay.”

“Does he know you risked your life to come there?”

I clenched my toes.

His Aston Martin lurched off the expressway.

“Please just take me home,” I urged.

But when we got close, Hunter turned down the long, winding driveway of his mansion.Notthe small one that led to my cottage.

“So, you’re going to what, kidnap me, then? Just to be clear.”

His chest inflated so much, it looked like it was about to pop.

“Let me ask you something, Luna. As soon as Franco finds out his guy got killed, what do you think his reaction will be?”

I crossed my arms over my chest.

Hunter opened his massive garage door and pulled his car inside. As soon as he threw it into park, I unbuckled my seat belt and jumped out.

“The hell do you think you’re going?” He blocked my path.

“Home. Move.” I tried to push past him.

“You’re really going to make me do this, aren’t you?”
