Page 11 of Iron Secrets

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This was delicious. Thanks. P.S. “Ferdinand” is one of my favorites.

Thank you for this. You’re an excellent math teacher.

Thanks, Sam. I replaced two cameras today.

Sam felt giddy whenever she saw a new note, snatching it up and reading it over and over.

She admitted to herself that she had developed a bit of a crush on Aero and desperately wanted to get to know him better.

Now, sitting in the clubhouse, Sam couldn’t help but wonder if he was there.

“Hey,” a deep voice came from the doorway, and Sam whipped around, but it was just Blaze.

Evie and Gemma shared a look, followed by a giggle.

Blaze cocked a brow, moving across the room to Evie. “What’s so funny?”

“Sam’s being weird,” Evie told her husband.

“Weird how?” Blaze asked with amusement in his tone.

“Like she’s got a secret.” Gemma waggled her eyebrows at Sam, who flushed.

“Is that so?” Blaze murmured, locking eyes with Sam.

Sam liked Blaze. He was a kind man, fiercely protective of his wife and daughter, a strong leader for the club members, and a solid, comforting presence for everyone he encountered. His dark brown eyes, however, made Sam feel like he could see everything she was thinking and was putting the pieces together as they sat there.

Blaze tilted his head to the side, as if inviting her to share. Sam gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head, and Blaze nodded in understanding.

“Come here, sunshine,” Blaze cooed at Ashlyn, scooping her up from beside Evie and blowing a raspberry on her cheek, making her shriek in delight.

“Daddy!” Ashlyn giggled, grasping Blaze’s hair in her tiny fists.

“Ow.” He chuckled, untangling himself from her grasp.

Sam smiled at the pair of them, the love and adoration between Blaze and his daughter clear to anyone with eyes. Her mind shot to Aero, with his short, buzzed blonde hair. How would it feel under her hands? Was it soft, or spiky and rough? What would Aero be like with a baby?

She had never seen him interact with Levi or Ashlyn. He seemed to avoid them, along with everybody else. Aero was a loner, making it harder and harder to understand why he would join a social club like the Iron Dragons. Sam didn’t spend enough time there on the day-to-day to see if he interacted with anyone or just stayed up in his room, but she’d bet he did.

“Ladies.” Another voice came from the doorway.

Sam made herself turn more slowly this time, watching Zed saunter toward Gemma and Levi, planting a deep, searing kiss on her lips before dropping down onto the couch between her and Sam.

“Peanut.” He poked Levi in the tummy, and the boy laughed, grabbing at Zed’s fingers.

“How was work?” Gemma asked, gazing up at Zed adoringly.

Zed launched into a tale of the tattoos he had done that day, and Sam’s eyes started to wander.

She made eye contact with Blaze, who offered her a soft smile and nodded once toward the bar room. Idly, she wondered how much he knew but opted not to question him.

Sam rose from the couch, told Gemma she’d be back, and walked toward the bar.

Kai was behind it.

“How’re you doing, sweetness?” Kai asked, pouring Sam a glass of wine without being asked.

Sam perched on a bar stool, sipping her wine. “Pretty good, Don Juan. You?”
