Page 12 of Iron Secrets

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“Same old.” Kai shrugged, smiling brightly at her. Kai was very handsome, with caramel-colored skin and long black hair. Sometimes he braided it, which Sam liked to pick on him for, suggesting he threw secret slumber parties and let the other club members do his hair. Kai was always carefree and playful, making Sam comfortable around him. He was a good friend, especially if she needed cheering up, a stiff drink, or both.

She was about to respond when Aero stepped up beside her.

“Sam,” he said, his voice low and close. He stood just behind her, not touching her, but she could feel his presence.

“Hi,” she said lamely, spinning on the stool so she faced him.

“How are you?” he asked, green eyes roving over her. She was dressed more casually than when he saw her at school in light jeans, a black “Go Army” shirt, and tennis shoes. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she wasn’t wearing any makeup.

“Fine. How are you?”

“I’m all right,” he said, watching her tongue swipe across her lower lip as she caught a drop of wine. His body responded, and he shoved his hands in his pockets. Willing himself not to blush, he prayed she didn’t see his juvenile response to such a simple motion.

“You stopped coming to lunch,” Sam murmured, running a finger around the rim of her glass.

Aero flicked his gaze to Kai, who was watching the pair of them from the end of the bar, his dark eyes assessing. He narrowed his gaze at Aero, challenging.

“Can we talk?” Aero asked, tilting his head toward the door.

“Sure,” Sam acquiesced, finishing her wine and setting the glass on the bar.

“Thanks, Kai,” she smiled and stood.

“Anytime, sugar,” he said with a wink, and Aero had to resist the urge to growl.

Sam started for the front door, with Aero following along behind her, but she banked a right and headed toward Blaze’s office.

She went out the back door and sat at a picnic table in the back lot where her car was parked.

Aero sat beside her, looking out over the compound.

It wasn’t exactly pretty.

The garage and gym looked like oversized shipping containers, one rust red and one navy blue, with metal outer walls and no windows. The gravel of the parking lot was illuminated by the exterior lights of the clubhouse, and the tall wrought-iron fence created a barrier between them and the thick forest beyond. Despite its lack of curb appeal, it was home to Aero, and he felt safe there.

“So,” Sam said, listening to a team of geese honk from the dark sky above.

“I’m sorry I haven’t come for lunch,” Aero said. “I’ve just been busy with work.”

“That’s okay,” Sam said, looking over at him.

Aero was a large man, tall and broad, with thick, muscled arms and solid thighs that filled out his jeans and made Sam want to touch him.

She slowly extended a hand, palm up, maintaining eye contact with Aero the entire time.

Aero slipped his hand into hers without hesitation, surprising both of them. He rested their entwined hands on his thigh.

Sam sighed, his heat soaking into her skin.

“I like you,” she said, the words tumbling out before she could stop them.

Aero tensed slightly, tightening his grip on her hand. “I like you, too.”

It was true. Aero liked Sam. She was interesting and passionate, beautiful and kind, intelligent and funny, and he wanted to know everything about her.

“You seem,” Sam hesitated, “like you struggle with intimacy.”

The words hung between them for a moment before Aero said, “I do.”
