Page 14 of Iron Secrets

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Aero reached out, tilting her chin up so she was looking at him. “It’s not you.”

“Come eat lunch with me,” she requested, making him smile.

“Yes, ma’am,” he agreed, taking her hand in his once more.

Sam smiled, then sighed. “I should head home.”

Aero wanted to demand she stay but resisted the urge. That was absurd. She couldn’t touch him, damn it, let alone stay the night with him. Plus, Gemma would find out.

Aero stood and walked Sam to her car, opening her driver-side door. She looked up at him, gazing at his lips. She wanted to kiss him goodbye, but after his reaction to her touching him, she knew she couldn’t. Maybe one day.

“Goodnight, Aero.” She squeezed his hand before releasing it.

“Goodnight.” He watched her drive around the building until her car was out of sight.

“No fucking way,” Zed’s voice came from the back door, and Aero jumped.

“What?” Aero played dumb, unsure how much Zed had seen.

Zed grinned, his bright, excited smile making Aero uncomfortable.

“I knew you had a girl.” Zed crossed his arms and leaned on the doorjamb. “I never would’ve guessed it was Sam.”

“She’s not my girl,” Aero said gruffly, moving toward Zed, who stepped out of the way and let him pass.

“I was right, though. She’s pretty.” Zed followed Aero into the kitchen.

Zed loved Sam. She was Gemma’s best friend and had been instrumental in them getting back together before Levi was born. Like Evie, Zed thought of Sam as a sister. The other club members had taken her in as one of their own, too, so it was big news if Aero was pursuing her. He’d have a lot to answer for, especially if it went south and Sam was hurt.

Aero grunted, passing through the kitchen and rounding the banister to head upstairs. Still, Zed followed on his heels until they reached Aero’s bedroom door.

“Don’t tell Gemma,” Aero said quietly, glancing up at Zed.

“I can’t lie to my wife, dude,” Zed told him, the hint of desperation in Aero’s voice making him wary.

“It’s not lying,” Aero insisted. “If she doesn’t ask, just don’t say anything.”

“Have you met Gemma?” Zed chuckled. “The woman knows what I’m thinking before I’ve even thought it.”

It was true. Gemma was a force to be reckoned with. Aero usually admired her strength and confidence, but right now it was frustrating him. If Zed was protective of Sam, Gemma would go full-on Mama Bear and tear Aero apart with her teeth.

“Are you sleeping with her?” Zed asked, his dark brows pulling together. He’d never seen Aero with any woman, let alone one so close to the club. It seemed out of character for him.

“No,” Aero said immediately.

“Oh. Then what’s going on?”

“Nothing. I’m working at her school, and we started talking. We’re,” he sighed, “friends.”

“Okay, cool.” Zed shrugged, then grinned. “Have fun.”

He turned on his heel and headed back down the stairs. Aero thumped his forehead against the door, gripping the knob hard. Anxiety was pacing around in his head, making his heart pound. He didn’t like it.

He did like Sam, though. The memory of her fingertips trailing gently over his skin made him shiver. Entering his room, he locked the door and lay on his bed, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

Sam had texted him.

Sam:I’m home. Sleep well x.
