Page 19 of Iron Secrets

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“I’m sorry,” Sam said. “I just wanna understand.”

There was no judgment in her voice, no anger, frustration, or annoyance.

Aero swallowed hard, then surprised Sam by moving to the center cushion and taking her face in his hands. They were almost nose-to-nose as he spoke, low and deep.

“I’ve lost people I care about. I’m working on it, but sometimes…” He sighed. “I get overwhelmed sometimes. Triggered, I guess you’d say.”

“Okay,” Sam whispered, reveling in his warmth and closeness.

“I don’t wanna scare you,” Aero said, his worries spoken aloud for the first time. “Or hurt you.”

The idea was almost laughable with how gently he held her. This large, strong man was tender with her, his rough palms cupping her jaw as if he held a butterfly. His capacity for gentleness both surprised and thrilled her, making her want to burrow into the hollow of his neck and let him hold her.

“I’m not afraid,” Sam said honestly. She was only scared that he would end their relationship before it got started and before they got to see where it was going.

“I am,” Aero admitted, his green eyes warm and soft.

“Don’t be,” Sam murmured, reaching up slowly to grasp his wrists. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”

That made him smile fractionally, a small huff of laughter escaping him.

“I’m trying.” He prayed she could feel what he was feeling. The desire, the fragile hope, and the fear.

“I know,” Sam said, the energy thrumming between them palpable.

“I’d like to try something,” Aero said huskily, glancing down at her lips. She gulped, then nodded minutely.

“Just stay very still,” he pleaded. “Don’t move your hands.”

She agreed, holding his wrists a bit tighter.

Aero leaned forward and looked up into her eyes briefly before touching his lips to hers.

It felt like a static shock, with the contact lighting him up from the inside out.

Sam sighed, letting him kiss her but keeping her promise not to move. If she did, he would stop.

Aero tilted his head a fraction and kissed her again, a bit harder and more insistently.

He made a sound that was a cross between a hiss and a moan, making Sam’s muscles clench.

He was breathing erratically, his chest rising and falling quickly. He pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes when they fluttered open.

“Was that okay?”

“Yes,” Sam whispered. “Do it again.”

Aero was more assertive the second time, more confident, kissing her firmly and sliding his hands down the sides of her neck. The sensation of his palms on her skin sent electric tingles through her body.

“Mmm,” Sam hummed against his lips.

“Sam,” he panted, “you can let go.”

At first, she was confused, but she realized he meant his wrists.

Slowly, she released his wrists and put her hands in her own lap, palms flat on her thighs.

Aero slipped his hands down over her shoulders, brushing the soft skin of her arms, never removing his lips from hers.
