Page 20 of Iron Secrets

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The kiss went on and on. He kissed her gently but desperately, experiencing the sensation but none of the panic. This was okay, he realized. He could touch her, and that made him believe that she could touch him, too.

“Touch me,” he beseeched, taking her hands in his and placing them on his shoulders.

“Are you sure?” Sam asked before moving a muscle.

“Yes.” He nodded, wanting it. Needing it.

Sam moved slowly, as much as it pained her, feeling the solid heat of him through his shirt. She felt his shoulders, his biceps, down his sides, and came to rest with her hands on his thighs. Aero sighed, wondering what it would be like to have her touch his bare skin with her hands. His body responded.

Moving his own hands, Aero found Sam’s hips and gripped them tightly, wanting to pull her closer but resisting, afraid if she sat in his lap he would lose it. He might feel trapped, and he might reflexively lash out and hurt her.

If he were on top, though…

The thought was cut short when the front door opened, and Sam pulled herself away from Aero, breathing hard as Molly entered the living room.

“Hi.” She smiled at the pair of them, giving Sam a wide-eyed stare.

“Hey,” Sam said, feigning calm when, in reality, her heart was ready to burst from her chest. “This is Aero.”

He nodded in greeting at the woman, who eyed him with suspicious amusement.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Molly grinned. “I’ll just be in my room.”

Molly set the grocery bag she held on the kitchen counter and hurried down the hall, disappearing into her bedroom.

Sam looked over at Aero, who was watching her, his eyes a swirling mix of desire and wonder.

“I should probably go,” he said, moving to stand.

Sam wanted to yank him back down onto the sofa and kiss him senseless. A need she had never felt before made her tremble slightly. She wanted him.

“You could stay,” Sam said, the words coming out before she could stop them.

Aero’s eyes widened. No, he couldn’t, even if he wanted to.

“Sam, I don’t think—” He rubbed the back of his neck, and she cut him off.

“Sorry. That was,” she coughed, “inappropriate.”

“No, it’s not that. I want to,” he said honestly. “I just can’t.”

“Another time?”

He smiled. “Another time.”

Sam rose from the couch and walked with him toward the front door.

He felt odd. Lighter, more fluid. At the door, he stopped Sam, pressed a hand flat against her chest, and pushed gently, pinning her to the wall.

Sam’s eyes widened, not in fear but in confusion.

“Give me your hands,” Aero requested, and she obeyed. He grasped her wrists and pressed her hands to the wall on either side of her head. His strong hands pinned hers. He knew she couldn’t move him; the knowledge was a strange comfort.

“I’d like to kiss you again,” he said huskily, shifting forward so his chest barely touched her.

“Yes,” Sam sighed, and that made his heart leap. She wanted him.

Leaning down, Aero brushed his lips over hers once, twice, the same electrical jolt passing from her lips to his.
