Page 27 of Iron Secrets

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Sam sighed, rubbing her eyes. “I wish you’d stay,” she yawned.

“I can’t,” Aero whispered, dragging himself out from under her covers and slipping into his jeans before he changed his mind. He looked down at his feet.

“It’s okay,” Sam said, but her chest squeezed with disappointment. She understood why he was resisting, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

He pulled on his boots and approached her.

“Another time,” he said, taking her face in his hands. “I promise.”

Sam nodded, keeping her eyes locked on his as she pushed up on her toes, kissing him.

He didn’t recoil or shove her away. He pulled her closer, kissing her hungrily.

“Goodnight, Sammy,” he said when he pulled away.

She blinked in surprise. No one called her Sammy. It was either Sam or Samantha. From Aero, she liked the nickname.

“I’ll see myself out. You should go to bed,” he said, knowing she had to get up for work in the morning.

“Okay,” Sam agreed, reluctantly releasing his hand.

He looked into her eyes for a moment and wished her a good night before exiting the room, knowing if he didn’t get out of the apartment he would stay the night. Regardless of the progress they had made, he couldn’t allow that. Not yet.

Back home, Aero parked behind the clubhouse and walked inside. Crossing the bar room, which was empty given the late hour, Aero passed the living room. Zed called out to him, stopping Aero in his tracks.

“What?” Aero asked, turning to face him.

“You okay?” Zed asked, holding Levi in his lap.

Aero nodded, entering the room and sitting beside Zed.

“How’s Sam?”

“Good.” Aero reached toward Levi who gave him a high five.

“Glad to hear it.” Zed smiled.

“May I?” Aero asked, nodding at the little boy.

“Sure,” Zed answered, handing Levi over.

Aero held the toddler tightly, settling him on his shoulder. The boy tucked his face into Aero’s neck, clutching his shirt in his tiny fist. Aero sighed, rubbing Levi’s back gently with one hand.

Zed smiled, watching the large man cradle his son tenderly. Levi yawned, then promptly fell asleep.

“Where’s Gemma?” Aero asked, not meeting Zed’s blue eyes.

“Sleeping. Levi was hungry,” he said, nodding to the empty sippy cup and plastic bowl on the coffee table with a few goldfish crackers in the bottom.

“Has she,” Aero cleared his throat, “said anything about Sam?”

“No,” Zed told him. “I haven’t said anything either. Why?”

Aero sighed, resting his cheek on Levi’s head, but didn’t say anything.

“Are you seeing her? Like, regularly?” Zed pushed, and Aero nodded.

“That’s great.” Zed tried to picture Sam—the bright, cheerful Sam—with the stoic, silent Aero. Opposites attract, he supposed.
