Page 30 of Iron Secrets

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“Aero,” Sam breathed, forgetting she was in her classroom as she kissed down his neck.

Aero’s hand came up and cupped her face, pulling away slightly.

“I didn’t realize I had a teacher fantasy until I met you,” Aero murmured, and her eyes went wide.

She laughed before kissing his jaw.

“We should stop,” Sam said, only half convinced she was right.

“Probably,” Aero rasped, brushing a kiss over her lips again.

“Come see me later?”

“I’ll be at your place by six,” Aero promised.

“I’ll be waiting,” Sam whispered, and Aero shivered.

Reluctantly, Aero released her and stepped back.

“Thank you, Miss Coleman; you were helpful as always,” he said, and Sam grinned.

“Anything for you,” she cooed, watching him walk to the door.

“I wasn’t the best student,” Aero said, looking back toward her, “but I also never had a teacher that looked like you.”

Sam gasped, then tossed her head back and laughed.

Aero smiled, exited her classroom, and returned to the front office, where he had been working.

As he worked, he grinned to himself. He wasn’t sure where the courage came from, but he had been thinking about Sam while pulling wire for a door and was overwhelmed with the desire to see her, to hold her, to taste her. Since the night in her room, the idea of being close to Sam was no longer frightening; he just wanted more.

He was planning on seeing Dr. Byrd after work and then going to see Sam.

Aero swallowed hard, feeling anticipation rise in his chest. He considered talking to Sam about his past but wasn’t sure how much to share, how much she could handle, or how much it would take to push her away.

Aero shook his head to clear his errant thoughts before focusing back on his work.

Sam grinned throughout the day, guiding her students cheerfully through the lessons, glancing continually at the clock, waiting for the end of the day.

“I haven’t had a nightmare in almost three months,” Aero told Byrd, pacing his office.

“Congratulations.” Byrd smiled. “That’s great progress.”

Aero nodded.

“How’s your friend?” Dr. Byrd asked curiously.

Aero smiled down at his boots. “She’s great.”

“Why don’t you tell me about her?” The doctor knew that was Aero’s reason for being there. The man wanted to talk; he just needed some prodding.

Aero sighed, running his hands over his hair. “Sam’s a teacher. Kindergarten.”

That made Byrd sit up. “She’s good with kids.”

“She’s incredible. I’m working at the school where she teaches, and her students just adore her,” Aero said, a look edging on wistful in his green eyes.

“How does it make you feel that she likes children?”
