Page 38 of Iron Secrets

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He held her tightly against his chest, breathing in her lavender scent and only paying half attention to the movie.

He had shared more with Sam than anyone else in a long time. It hadn’t been as difficult as he’d anticipated. The more Aero told Sam, the more he wanted to share.

For some reason, Sam made him feel safe and comfortable. If he were a poetry kind of guy, the phrase “safe harbor in a stormy sea” would have been appropriate.

“Aero?” Sam’s voice pulled him from his musings.


“Do you want me to set an alarm?” She yawned.

Glancing at the window, he saw it was dark out. They’d talked and cuddled for hours, he realized. He knew he should leave, but the way Sam felt curled up beside him, the comforting sound of the television and her steady breathing, and the lack of panic he’d felt made him hesitant to leave her.

Steeling himself, Aero pulled the gray throw blanket off the back of the couch and covered their bodies with it.

He kissed Sam’s hair and said, “Not tonight.”

Sam’s heart lurched. “Are you sure?”

“No,” Aero admitted. “But I’d like to try if that’s okay.”

Sam snuggled closer to him. Her joy and excitement that he was staying overshadowed any fear or apprehension. “Let’s try.”

“Okay,” he whispered, hope blossoming in his chest.

“What should I do if you…” She’d never handled someone else’s nightmares, let alone a man who was easily two times her size.

Aero swallowed hard. It was a fair question, and Sam deserved to be prepared.

“Just give me space. Don’t try to wake me up. I’ll come around on my own.”

Sam nodded against his arm.

“Don’t be afraid,” he said softly. “I won’t hurt you.”

Sam’s heart squeezed. “I know.”

Aero sighed, slipping his hand under the hem of her shirt and stroking her stomach.

They watched the movie for a while, enjoying each other’s company, until Sam heard a light snore next to her ear. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that Aero had fallen asleep. His face was soft and serene, more relaxed than she’d ever seen him.

He had some dark blonde stubble on his chin, his strong jaw was relaxed, and his eyes shifted beneath his lids, indicating how deeply he was sleeping.

The thought made Sam smile. She assumed he didn’t sleep much, and probably not very well considering how alert and on edge he always was. With another look at his handsome face, Sam closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep herself, with Aero’s arm wrapped protectively around her middle.

Chapter 7

Sam’s phone started ringing on the coffee table right as Aero’s began buzzing in his pocket.

Sam jolted awake and tumbled off the side of the couch, landing with a thump on the rug.

Aero sat bolt upright, looking around quickly, before his eyes landed on Sam.

He blinked a few times, then smiled.

The smile liquefied her insides. He was happy, his pure joy and relief evident in his grin.

“Good morning,” he said, reaching out a hand.
