Page 37 of Iron Secrets

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“Aero,” she gasped when he changed direction and headed back up the other side of her neck.

“Sammy,” he murmured, sucking gently on her skin. He wanted to suck and bite until he left a mark, so everyone would know she was his, but he didn’t think she’d appreciate that. There had to be another way.

His body was humming with want and need, his muscles tensing as he moved against her, brushing his hard, jean-clad length between her legs.

“Oh,” Sam gasped, reaching up and cupping the back of his head.

“I want you,” Aero whispered in her ear, making her shiver.

Sam wanted him desperately. She was wet and aching for him, every cell of her body screaming for him to touch her, to take her, to make her his.

“I don’t know if…” He trailed off, getting distracted by her lips and kissing her deeply.

“Mmm,” Sam moaned softly, rolling her hips slightly so he could brush against her again.

“Sam,” he breathed, looking into her eyes. They were alight with excitement and arousal. She wanted him.

“We can go slow,” she reminded him. As much as she wanted Aero, she knew he was walking a fine line and didn’t want to scare him away. He’d been open and honest with her about his reservations and his need to proceed slowly. She had to respect that.

“I’m sorry,” Aero rasped, hating that he was making her wait. He wasn’t ready. If he was going to be with Sam, she needed to know everything, and he wasn’t prepared to talk about it yet.

“No,” Sam said softly, taking his face in her hands and making him look at her. “You don’t have to be sorry. We’re in this together. I’ll wait for you.”

Aero felt like he’d been punched in the chest. Her words were soft, sincere, tender, and heartfelt. He believed her, which made him want her more.

“I’d like to tell you more before we…” Aero trailed off again, brushing another kiss across her lips. “There are things you need to know.”

Sam smiled up at him. “Okay.”

“Please, don’t ever think I don’t want you,” Aero said, starting to feel embarrassment creep up his neck.

Sam shook her head. “Don’t. I understand. I’d love to get to know you more.”

“Thank you,” Aero murmured, his voice just above a whisper.

Aero was different from some other men in the Iron Dragons and from the men he served with in the Army. He didn’t sleep with women at random, and hooking up with a string of one-night stands had never appealed to him. He’d rather take care of his needs alone than use a woman he didn’t care about. He thought making love should occur between two people who loved and respected each other.

He respected Sam enough to want to tell her his secrets and not hide anything from her to have her. It would be easy, he supposed, to hide his past and his demons just so he could have sex with her, but Sam deserved better than that.

“I’ll wait for you,” she had said. Sam wasn’t like other women. She was patient with him, respected his boundaries, and never got upset or judged him for his limitations. Sam was special, and that made him want her even more.

He could love her, too, his heart pounding at the thought. Would she love him back, though? Once she knew everything, would she still want him, or would she run away? Somewhere deep in his heart, Aero knew she wouldn’t just abandon him. That gave him hope.

“Do you want to, um,” Sam chose her words carefully, “lay here? With me?”

Aero nodded almost enthusiastically, which made her stifle a giggle. He shifted, and she rolled to her side, pressing her back to his front. It was surprisingly comfortable considering Aero’s size, but he tucked his arm beneath Sam’s head, propped a knee between hers, and locked a strong arm around her waist.

“I like this.” Aero drew small circles on her middle with his fingers.

“Me too.” Sam sighed contentedly. After a moment, Sam asked, “What kind of movies do you like?”

Aero’s brow furrowed. He didn’t watch many movies and wasn’t a fan of television. “Anything you like is fine.”

Sam craned her neck to look at him. “How do you feel about Westerns?”

Aero shrugged. “Did he fire six shots, or only five?”

Sam laughed out loud, and Aero smiled at her while she reached for the remote, flipped through channels until she found an old black-and-white film on the Western films channel, and settled back against Aero’s chest.
