Page 73 of Iron Secrets

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“Here,” Aero said, shaking it slightly in her direction.

Sam eyed him suspiciously but released his hand to open the envelope, sliding her finger under the flap and removing the paper from inside. She had expected a Valentine’s card with some kind of frilly, sappy design and maybe a few sweet nothings written in Aero’s neat block print. Instead, it was a few pieces of paper folded neatly.

Unfolding them, she perused the paper and glanced up, her eyes bright with excitement.

They were airline tickets from Denver, Colorado, to Portland, Maine, for the weekend following the end of the school year.

“Aero,” Sam breathed, reading the tickets again and again.

“I wanna take you to the ocean,” he said, taking her hand in his.

“Wow,” Sam said, gazing at him. His eyes were intense but held a tenderness that made her heart swell.

“You said you’d never been,” Aero continued, “but there’s another reason we should go.”

Sam watched him intently, waiting for him to continue.

“There are some things I need to talk to you about,” Aero said, his voice gruff. “I thought it might be easier to do that in a neutral place. Somewhere neither of us has been. Then, maybe, after we do that… " He cleared his throat. “If it goes well, maybe, if you want, we could, um…”

Aero trailed off, the words escaping him.

Sam caught on to what he was talking about and couldn’t fight her grin.

“I’d like that,” she said, squeezing his hand.

Aero let out a relieved breath. “So you’ll come with me?”

“Yes. I’d love to.”

He smiled—a bright, devastatingly handsome smile that made her tingle clear down to her toes.

The waitress brought their meals, and they ate, talking or sitting in companionable silence. Sam told him all about the spring carnival and how she would be running the ring-toss booth.

“I’m pretty sure the booth is raising money for the After School Program this year.”

“That’s great, Sammy. I’m sure it’ll be fun,” Aero said, her excitement raising his own. It made him feel brave, so he offered, “Would you like some help?”


Aero shrugged. “I thought maybe I could help run the booth. I can set up, help make change, whatever you need.”

Sam gazed at him with adoration and surprise, nodding enthusiastically. “I’d like that. Thank you. You know, the club is providing the prizes.”

“Shocker,” Aero said sarcastically, rolling his eyes playfully. It was unsurprising to him that the Iron Dragons would make such a donation, especially for children. It was one of his favorite things about the MC—that they gave so much back to the community. It showed how different they were from other clubs out there, and Aero was proud to be a part of it.

Sam laughed out loud before finishing up her meal.

When they were finished, Aero asked, “Would you like dessert?”

“No, thank you,” Sam said, not because she wanted their date to be over but because she was so eager to get him home.

He smirked at her.

“Maybe we should go home and discuss our travel plans,” she murmured, trailing her fingers lightly over his palm.

“Sure,” Aero said, motioning to the waitress for the check.

“What’s another word for ‘successful’?”
