Page 79 of Iron Secrets

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She and Aero had planned out their itinerary, from the trip to the airport to their return date, and Sam was ecstatic to see the East Coast. “This is supposed to be a trip where we can connect, get to know each other more, that sort of thing.”

Gemma scoffed. “It’s been almost a year. You know each other. You just have to seal the deal.”

Sam rolled her eyes and packed another outfit.

“Why haven’t you guys done it yet?”

“Not everyone has sex with a guy the same night they meet, Gemma,” Sam said in a teasing, singsong voice.

“Shut up.” Gemma giggled, tossing a rolled-up pair of socks at her. “Zed married me, so it all worked out.”

“Fair enough,” Sam said, putting aside the socks before sitting on the edge of her bed. “How do I… What if he doesn’t like it?”

Gemma laughed out loud. “Sam, no man doesn’t like it. Trust me.”

Sam shifted uncomfortably. “But Aero’s different. You know that.”

“I know. Just keep going slow, don’t put too much pressure on him, and have fun. If you’re having fun and staying calm, it’ll happen naturally.”

Sam nodded, her nerves making her stomach flip and flop.

“Don’t overthink it. I can see you overthinking it. Stop it,” Gemma said, frowning in disapproval.

“I’m not, I’m not,” Sam said, holding up her hands. “I’m fine. We’re gonna have a great time.”

“Seriously though, what did you pack for a bathing suit? Bikini? String bikini? Do you need to borrow something? I’ve got tons,” Gemma babbled along happily, seemingly ignoring the fact that Sam wasn’t nearly as tall or curvy as she was and anything she let her borrow was a fashion disaster waiting to happen.

Sam’s phone buzzed from her nightstand, and she picked it up, expecting a text from Aero. Instead, she unlocked her phone to find an email from The Preston Foundation.

“Gemma, shut up, it’s the grant people!” she shouted, hopping up and down excitedly.

“What? Really? What’s it say?” Gemma asked, jumping to her feet and clapping her hands together.

Sam tapped and swiped, reading the email.

“Did you get it? Did you? Did you?” Gemma asked.

“What?” Sam whispered, looking up from her phone screen, confusion contorting her features.

“Sam, what is it?”

“I need my laptop.” Sam tossed her phone onto the bed and rushed out to the living room where her laptop was charging. Kneeling on the floor beside the coffee table, she opened her computer and pulled up her email. She clicked on the attached file and skimmed it.

“No, no, no, no, no,” Sam muttered, exiting the email and reopening it. “No!”

“Sam,” Gemma said, sitting beside her on the rug. “What’s going on?”

“It’s gone. It’s… no, that’s not what I submitted,” Sam said, tears gathering in her eyes.

“Sam. Talk to me.”

“Something happened to my essays,” she whispered. “They’re… they’re all wrong.”

Gemma grabbed the laptop and read the email.

“Miss Coleman,

Please be advised that we are unable to accept incomplete applications.
