Page 80 of Iron Secrets

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The lack of content in this document means we cannot consider your responses.

Resubmit your application or have your supervisor contact the Customer Service department.

Thank you,

Jason Cook, Application Processing Center Manager.”

“What the fuck?” Gemma squawked, incredulity and fury rising inside her.

“I don’t get it. I wrote them all so carefully. Aero read them,” Sam murmured, sitting back against the couch. “He told me it would all be fine.”

“Call your boss. See what she says,” Gemma suggested, leaping up to retrieve Sam’s phone from the bedroom.

Sam gave herself a minute to wallow, taking the phone from Gemma when she returned.

“I’m gonna call Aero.”

She dialed his number and listened to a few rings. After a minute, he answered.

“Hey, Sammy. What’s up?”

“Aero,” she whined.

“Sammy, honey, what’s wrong?”

Gemma took the phone from her hand and spoke to him. “Someone fucked with her application. Again.”

Sam heard him curse over the line, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

“Mhm. Yeah. I know. Okay.” Gemma hung up and told Same, “He’s on his way.”

Sam nodded.

“It’ll be okay, sweetie.” Gemma rubbed her back, staring daggers at the laptop as if it were personally responsible for her friend’s pain. “I’ll make you some tea.”

Gemma busied herself in the kitchen, preparing two cups of lemon tea with honey.

Sam hadn’t moved, staring forlornly at the laptop from the sofa.

Aero didn’t bother knocking; he just let himself inside and immediately walked over to Sam and wrapped her in his arms. “Sammy, what’s going on?”

“Aero.” She buried her face in the crook of his neck. “They screwed me.”

Aero felt a smile lift his lips at the uncharacteristic curse word. “What do you mean?”

Gemma emerged from the kitchen with the tea, setting the cups on the coffee table. “Look at the computer. The attachment.”

Aero did as he was told, pulling up the document and perusing it. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!”

“Right!?” Gemma said, her hands flapping at her sides in frustration.

“What do I do?” Sam asked them both, looking back and forth between pairs of green eyes.

“Hang tight, honey.” Aero picked up the laptop and started to click through various pages and settings.

While he worked, Gemma sat on Sam’s other side and rubbed her shoulders while she sipped her tea.

“Those assholes,” Aero muttered, turning the laptop around to show the women.
