Page 81 of Iron Secrets

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“Um, Aero, what am I looking at?” Gemma asked, red brows furrowed.

“Look at the person who last edited the document. And the IP address of where they were working.” Aero said, pointing at the screen.

“That bitch!” Sam shrieked, seeing ‘Dean, Rachel’ in the “Last Edited By” box.

Aero and Gemma jumped.

“Sorry, Sammy. I’m still not used to you swearing,” Aero muttered.

“Sorry,” she grumbled, but he grinned at her.

“It’s okay. I kinda like it.”

They shared a wry smile but returned their attention to the computer.

“We gotta show Peggy. She’s the only one who can contact the foundation and get them to reconsider the application,” Sam said, standing to find her shoes.

“What am I looking at?” Gemma asked Aero again, looking at the laptop that Sam had tossed into her lap.

“Rachel Dean is the last person to edit the document. She’s the one who’s been causing trouble for Sammy at school with Mike Weaver and his wife. The IP address is the place where the changes were made, and it’s the one for the network at South Street Elementary. I know because I worked on their network and typed it in about a trillion times.”

Gemma gasped. “That bitch!”

Aero nodded as Sam reentered the room. “Let’s go. We’re going to Peggy’s house.”

“Um, sure,” Gemma said, standing from the couch. “I guess I’m part of this now.”

“I’ll drive,” Aero said, heading for the door.

They pulled up in front of a lovely brick home with ivy crawling up the white porch beams, and Aero parked the truck.

“Are you sure about this?” Gemma asked, but Sam was already on the move with her laptop clutched to her chest.

“I don’t think there’s any stopping her,” Aero said, staring after Sam with a look of adoration and respect that Gemma recognized from her own husband.

“I’m just saying you’d better marry her, my guy,” Gemma said, exiting the truck and following Sam toward the door.

“Will do,” Aero murmured, following the ladies up the walkway.

“Sam, how nice to see you. Come in, dear, come in,” Peggy was saying. “You brought some friends?”

“I sure did,” Sam said, entering Peggy’s kitchen and setting her laptop on the counter. “What’s your wifi password?”

“Um,” Peggy hesitated, watching as Gemma and Aero entered the house. “It’s Bailey2020. That’s my dog. She’s no longer with us, unfortunately, and the year they set up my internet. Oh, it’s spelled with a capital B.”

Sam typed in the password, and Aero stepped up beside her, opening the email and document so he could show Peggy that Rachel was the one who edited Sam’s application, using the school’s network, no less.

Peggy looked over the information, her brows furrowed, as Aero explained what had happened and how Rachel had intentionally sabotaged Sam’s grant application because she discovered that Mr. Weaver and Rachel were sleeping together on school property during the trunk or treat event.

“What?” Peggy said, covering her mouth with one hand. “Sam, why didn’t you say anything?”

Aero answered for her, wrapping an arm around Sam and holding her tight. “They threatened her, Mrs. Bradshaw. They threatened her career, her students, and the grant, obviously.”

“I’m sorry,” Sam said, looking down at the kitchen tile. “I should’ve told you what I saw right away. I was just so worried about Kelly and her kids that I didn’t want to get involved. I know now that was wrong, and I apologize for not being honest with you from the beginning.”

“That’s fine, Sam. I understand why you didn’t say anything. I’ll call Jill in the morning and discuss what happened at the carnival with her. For now, just take your trip. I know you’re leaving soon for Maine. Go, enjoy your trip, and I’ll handle everything here.”

“Are you sure?” Sam asked, closing her laptop and handing it to Aero, who tucked it under his arm.
