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Melody Newton didn’t really know her self-worth. She was never taught to stand up for herself and she had the bruises to prove it. But now, she was going to get a crash course in what it meant to stand her ground and give a damn about herself. Now, she was going to finally tell her good-for-nothing husband to hit the road. She had caught him sneaking around on her again, and this time, she had no forgiveness left to give him.

Adam walked into the kitchen and kissed her cheek, just as he always did before dinner. That was when she’d make a fuss about asking him how his day was and tell him about what she and their two-year-old daughter, June, did together while he was supposedly at work. But that wasn’t going to happen tonight because she knew where he had been all day. Adam had spent all afternoon at the sleazy motel on the outskirts of town with some whore he probably had picked up a disease from. Melody knew this bit of information because her loving husband had used his credit card to pay for both as if he just didn’t give a fuck about her finding out what he was doing—or in this case, who.

“How was your day?” he asked.

“My day?” she questioned. “Well, my day was very exciting. You see, I took June to the grocery store to pick up some groceries,” she started.

“Yeah, I was going to ask what was happening with dinner. You haven’t even started it yet? And where is our daughter?” June was usually sitting in her highchair, anxiously waiting for dinner, but Melody had gotten her sister, Tilly, to babysit June for the evening, so that she could face down her soon-to-be ex-husband. That’s how Melody was getting through any of this right now. She just kept thinking that Adam would be her ex-husband, and she’d be able to start her life all over again. This time, she’d go it alone because there was no way that she’d allow another man to lay one finger on her ever again.

“Tilly took June for me,” she said. “And dinner isn’t ready, and it’s not going to be ready, because my credit card was declined at the store. We’re over our limit.”

“Well, shit,” he grumbled, pulling a beer from the fridge and popping off the top. “I’ll put some money in the bank in the morning.” She watched as Adam took a long swig of his beer and slammed the bottle down to the kitchen table, causing her to jump. “Since your sister has June, what do you say you and I have a little bit of fun, and then I’ll take you out for a burger.” The thought of Adam laying one finger on her repulsed her. He still smelled like the cheap hooker that he had spent the whole afternoon fucking.

“No thank you,” she breathed.

“What do you mean by, ‘No thank you?’” he asked.

“I mean that I don’t want to have any fun with you, ever again, Adam. It means that I know why my credit card was over the limit and I couldn’t buy food for our daughter. You used my card to pay for a whore and a motel room, didn’t you?” she spat.

“You watch your fucking mouth, Melody. I told you that I wasn’t going to do that again, and I haven’t,” he said, keeping up with his lie. If given the chance, Adam would rather die than claim the truth. But she knew the truth, even if he wouldn’t say it out loud. He had cheated on her before, with her best friend from high school. Yeah, that one hurt like a bitch, but she forgave him. Melody was six months pregnant and a fool for thinking that staying with Adam was better for her and her unborn child than leaving him. She should have gotten out then, but she was too afraid to make a move that would cost her the roof over her head, so she stayed, and things went from bad to worse.

After he swore that he’d give up cheating on her, he got angry. It was as if he blamed her for not allowing him to screw around. Adam started getting rough with her and after a few times pushing her around and shouting at her, he finally hit her. She took it too, not wanting to cause waves. A part of her believed that she was responsible for his anger. She could deal with his anger, it was his cheating that broke her heart, so she stayed.

But now, finding out that he had cheated again, she felt numb. Melody was ready to walk out. Her and June’s bags were packed and in the trunk of her car. Tilly said that they could stay with her and her new husband, Owen, for a while until she could get back on her feet. She had a plan and for the first time in her life, Melody felt like she had some self-worth.

She defiantly raised her chin to Adam as if daring him to hit her. “You did cheat on me, Adam,” she insisted. “I have the credit card records to prove it. You’ve been going to that motel again, and this time, you’ve been paying for whores. Did you really believe that I wouldn’t find the charges?” she asked.

“Maybe I just didn’t fucking care if you found them,” he spat. Adam sucked down the rest of his beer and grabbed another one from the fridge. If he continued drinking at this pace, she only had a small window of opportunity to let him know that they were done.

“I want a divorce,” she said, cutting right to the chase.

“Well, that’s just too fucking bad,” he shouted. “You and I are married, for better or worse, and you’re not leaving me.”

“I am leaving you and I’m taking June with me. I want a divorce and I’m going to go to a lawyer tomorrow. I’m sure that my credit card records will be enough to prove that you’ve been cheating on me.” He put the new bottle of beer on the table and stepped closer to her. He smelled like cheap perfume and pussy. God, it made her want to gag, but she held it back. There was no way that she’d show any weakness around him ever again. She had already done enough of that to last a lifetime.

She stared him down and when he smiled and turned away, she thought that he was going to pick up his beer and leave her alone, but she was wrong. Adam quickly turned back and punched her so hard in the face that she landed on her ass, and damn if she didn’t see stars.

“You feel better?” she slurred. She was sure that her eye would swell shut in a matter of minutes and he was only getting started—that she knew from experience.

“Not yet, but I plan on hitting you until I do,” he growled.

“That’s usually your plan, asshole,” she said, sitting up from the kitchen floor. He stood over her and she smiled up at him, knowing something that he didn’t gave her a second wind.

“Why the fuck are you smiling at me, bitch?” he spat.

“Because for the first time, in a damn long time, I think I’m actually going to win this one,” she said.

“You think that you can beat me?” he asked. Adam clenched his fist, an act that usually made her cringe, but this time she didn’t feel anything. She had an ace up her sleeve—a large biker who stood in the doorway to her kitchen, and damn if he didn’t look pissed off enough to tear Adam limb from limb.

“She might not be able to beat you, but I’m pretty sure that I can,” Maverick growled. God, he was her knight coming to save her and she’d take it, even if she had just mentally sworn off all men forever.

“Who the fuck are you?” Adam shouted, turning his back on her. That’s how he treated her—always underestimating Melody and thinking that she’d never retaliate. She was ready to take her stand, and when she found her feet, grabbing the frying pan from the stove top, she swung it at the back of Adam’s head, knocking him out. He fell to the kitchen floor with a thud, and she tossed the frying pan to the ground.

“Hey, Maverick,” she breathed, “can you call the police for me? I need to make sure that I didn’t just kill my soon-to-be ex-husband.”

He shook his head at her and smiled. “I knew that I liked you, kid,” he said, calling her by that annoying little nickname he used for her. Melody knelt down to find that Adam still had a pulse. She stood, not sure if that was a good or bad thing. One thing was for sure, he wouldn’t let her retaliation go unpunished and there was no way that he’d underestimate her again.
