Page 23 of The Player's Lounge

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Cody’s question made Quint’s distant memory fade. “Everything that happens to us is a new experience no matter where we are in the universe. Everything is constantly changing. It’s natural I suppose to be continuously terrified of the future as it’s always so unpredictable—so many minds collectively shaping an unforeseeable future. Coming to a new planet is no different to waking up every morning, stepping out of your front door and not knowing whether you’re going to get mown down by a sports car or handed a winning lottery ticket by a random stranger.”

Cody nodded as Quint sipped his water.

“The truth is,” said Quint, “I love it here now that I’m used to it. Like I said, where I’m from, we had next-to-no technology. We never had the means to share the news or our thoughts on such a huge scale. To be able to express yourself in so many ways so easily with music, art, literature, even food is amazing. Having an opportunity to sample such delights as we’re about to this evening, it blows my mind.” He gestured around the buzzing restaurant and waved at the smells of the luscious plates of food being delivered to nearby tables.

“To those that can afford it,” muttered Cody, looking around at the prosperous clientele quaffing from their wine flight.

“We both know that anyone could afford to eat here if they put their mind to it. Some of the secrets of the universe are being leaked to Reboots,you know? Those that choose to believe what they’re being told are taking advantage, believe me. Take those in power. They haven’t got there by accident. The world isn’t just run by Players out for themselves, you know, although that’s not to say some aren’t hiding behind the curtains so to speak,” said Quint.


Quint laughed.

“Nobody really knows for sure, but power is harnessed by those who have a wealth of knowledge and who know how and choose to use it properly.”

From conversations that Quint had had with other Players, there certainly seemed to be a lot of guesswork as to who was controlling what and where. However, it would be the seasoned Players who really knew how worlds like this worked. Quint was certain that there were some Playersthat knew how to work things to their advantage that wouldn’t necessarily benefit the greater good. It would all depend on the very nature of the soul.

He put the thoughts of things beyond their control aside for now as the rustic smell of freshly baked ciabatta wafted under his nose.

A choice of three types of bread were offered, each looking more delicious than the last. Antonio playfully suggested one of each and decided to leave the entire basket with them, theatrically turning his back to them, urging them to ‘do as they pleased’.

“I will send Enzo over with the wine list for you.” Antonio headed over to the kitchen, leaving them to enjoy their bread.

“Antonio is one of us, isn’t he?” Cody’s seventh sense had tuned in to Antonio’s, a solid confirmation that he too was a Player. “It’s funny. All these years, I couldn’t manage to find anybody like me… like us I mean. Now, since meeting you, I can’t seem to stop meeting new Players.”

“It’s because you’re in the right mindset. You know how many of us are out here, and more importantly, you realise you’re not alone. Because of that, you’re attracting more of us into your space. Your mind knows that’s the way it all works, and it’s taking advantage of it. It’s a good thing, Cody. Just enjoy the ride.” Quint smiled on the outside, but inside he wished that he was able to practice what he preached. He still felt that sadness pulling him apart. That frustration of not being able to program his mind to help him find Leo. His everyday battle with his impatience.

Throughout the evening, Quint watched Cody’s eyes and the changing emotions as he was presented with all of these fine foods, accompanied by an exquisite wine flight they had opted for. It made Quint realise even more that the meaning of life was simply to enjoy and help others on their way to experience things they love.

It seemed ridiculous now not to appreciate every moment of this new life of his, along with the power to shape it in any way he wanted.

Their meeting indeed had been beneficial for both of them. Quint had introduced Cody to a tool that could connect him to people of their kind and help him enhance his life as a Player. Cody in return had subconsciously helped Quint justlet go.

“To life and all its pleasures,” said Quint, toasting his glass as their sommelier left the table.

“And to love,” added Cody.

A clatter disturbed their moment as a waiter over the other side of the restaurant dropped an armful of side plates that he had ambitiously balanced along the length of his forearm.

Quint smiled and sipped his wine. “So, Tim is going to be a lot older than you, right? I’m trying to do the math here. You’re what, twenty-two, twenty-three?”

Cody shuffled in his seat as he prepared himself to tell Quint the third act of his previous life.

“I found it hard when Tim passed. The guilt ate me up so badly that it made me ill. Subconsciously, I know now that I must have wanted out. My existence on Earth seemed pointless without Tim. Anyway, ten years later, I fell sick with cancer and well, here I am again.”

“And when you were in theMediunn, you felt the pull that he was here, even after all that time had passed?”

“Yeah, I felt it. Even though I knew deep down that he found life difficult here, I just knew he’d return.

"He really didn’t like it here?” Quint placed his wine glass down.

“Yeah, the homophobia, more so through the 80s. Man, it was a lot worse then, I can tell you. I think he originally came from a place similar to where you’re from, simple life, no judgement. The whole way people were at our time of life back then was just too much for him, I think. I mean it’s not better now, just bearable.” Cody bowed his head. “Subconsciously I guess he just wanted out.”

“So, what makes you think he would have returned?”

“Me. Music. He loved music so much, and I just know that he’d want the chance to make more. He always used to tell me how he entertained people on his old planet, making instruments out of whatever he could get his hands on. Then when he came here, he couldn’t believe the technology that was available to him to really get stuck in and bring out what was really in his soul. Music is like a spiritual connection to him with the rest of the world, his way to express himself and give something to everyone. Music was his life. Even when he was making it, he was helping others to make it as well. He wanted others to succeed as well as himself. I know he felt the pressure after his number one hit, and he hated that side of it, having to work to deadlines. But I just know he’d want to come back and give it another go.”

Quint nodded. Cody was right. Tim would have come back here for sure. He knew that as much as he knew for certain that Leo was here. Though what Leo would be doing withhislife would be a complete mystery to him.
