Page 44 of The Player's Lounge

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“Yup, you can say it. We’re all Players, so you can just be yourself,” said Quint.

“Don’t be nervous, I don’t bite, unless you want me to,” added Mona, then she turned to Quint. “He looks like he could do with a drink. I know just the thing for you, young man.”

Cody’s head was spinning as he looked around the room at the people on the other tables, noticing a couple of famous faces. “Is that-”

The man instantly looked up, his sixth sense no doubt picking up the rest of Cody’s question. “Yes, it’s me. Who’d have thought it, eh?”.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.” Had to be so annoying: a famous singer just trying to take five minutes out of the limelight and getting accosted. “I just… I didn’t think for a second that you were, well, one of us, although it’s pretty obvious now.” said Cody.

“A catalogue of music like that doesn’t come from just one lifetime, kid,” said the man, smiling. “Nice to meet you…um?”


“Nice to meet you, Cody. Pa-”

Cody interrupted him. “Oh, I know who you are. Thank you.”

The man nodded his way, leaving Cody slightly breathless, then he went back to his meal and conversation.

“Wow, this is just too much,” said Cody.

“He still has a lot of questions this one, huh?” said Mona.

“Just a few.” Cody was still a little speechless from his little interaction.

Mona leaned in close to his ear. “When you stop asking questions, you’ll find all the answers you’ll need. Do you know what the most asked question in the world is?”

Cody shook his head.

“What’s the meaning of life? And do you know the answer?”

“N-not yet,” stuttered Cody.

“Well, I can tell you. The answer is… it doesn’t matter. Look around you. Life is a beautiful gift, created by us all.” Her smile showcased her perfect white teeth.

Cody didn’t say anything, a kind of realisation washing over him. He looked over at Quint, who nodded.

“That’s the most profound thing you’ll hear from me today. Now… menus.” Mona slapped two wooden boards down on the table in front of them, then went off to chat to another table of guests, singing them a tuneful greeting that faded out over the other conversations dotting the atmosphere.

“I think I… love her,” said Cody.

“You won’t be the first, I can tell you.”

Cody picked up the menu and looked it over. There were around three or four choices for starter and main dishes.

Quint went for the fresh octopus salad to start and the Sous Vide duck breast with celeriac choucroute for his main. Cody opted for beetroot with crispy sweetbreads to start and cod cheeks with kimchi and peanut for his.

Mona seemed delighted with their choices. She clearly couldn’t wait to see their reactions to the dishes when they came out.

Quint clapped his hands together. He seemed to have something going on his eyes that said they were here for a reason.

“So… Harry thinks he may have a lead on Tim.”

Cody straightened, his mouth drying. “You… you might have found him?”

“Now, don’t get too excited,” Quint said gently, reaching for his hand. “We don’t know exactly where he is yet, but Harry has been able to cross reference a few things and has made contact with somebody who was at theMediunnat his time of passing. This person can confirm that he definitely reincarnated on Earth.”

“Well, that’s great.” His hard beat of heart called out so much more. “I think, I mean… sorry, carry on. I don’t know what to say.”

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