Page 43 of The Player's Lounge

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Kai always preferred to chat in real time rather than text, the ring on Leo’s phone letting him know that Kai had decided to give him a call rather than play text tennis.

“They got any vegan stuff in that market?” asked Kai.

“Have they? You would love it, mate. Honestly, we need this at home, not that we could afford the food here. It was about a tenner for a bloody chicken wrap,” said Leo.

Kai fired a barrage of expletives down the line at the price.

“It is delicious, though,” defended Leo. “Not that you’d eat one, but still.”

“Glad you’re enjoying it. So, what are you gonna do tonight? Just chill, I guess?”

Leo froze for a second. For some reason, he felt awkward about telling Kai that he had a date, especially that it was some rich, handsome guy that used to work for Wrap’d.


“Sorry, yeah… um… I’ve kind of got myself a date.”

“A… date?” Kai sounded off. Really off, but then who wouldn’t? Leo felt awkward telling him about it. But he did. He decided to hold off telling him about their strange connection due to ‘past lives’, though, or that Quint was a self-confessed psychic because yeah... awkward.

Although Kai was spiritual as well, Leo just didn’t feel right telling him those particular details, more embarrassed than anything. Besides, this could very well lead nowhere, and he would feel really stupid offloading all of this onto Kai, only to find out that all along it was a load of rubbish.

But was it? Leo’s instincts were telling him that there could be something in this. There was definitely a very good reason that Quint had come into his life, and whether or not it was because they were lovers from a past life, only time would tell.

Kai snapped Leo back to the present by pressing him for more details about this mystery man.

“Quint…?” said Kai, that unfriendliness still evident in his voice. “That’s a weird name. Where’s he from? London?”

“Yeah, it’s um… actually, it doesn’t matter.” Leo decided against telling Kai anything else because, well… yeah—awkwardness and Kai sectioning him. “Look. You sound off. Is this about-”

“Our kiss? No. Not at all.” Kai gave a rough sigh that called out his mind was elsewhere. “Sorry, I just wanted to know more about who you’re seeing, y’know? That’s it. I swear. Are we cool?”

“Yeah, we’re cool.”

“Okay, well just be careful, you know? Text me his number just in case he murders you.”

“Will do. And I’ll see you tomorrow, I should be home about sixish.”

“And don’t forget the Chinese food.”

They said their goodbyes, and after Leo had hung up, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief that he had told Kai the truth. Well, most of it.


Cody waited as Quint pushed open the door to Mona’s, the warmth and smell of the place lifting his mood. The place had that unmistakable air of exclusivity, despite it being tiny in comparison to most restaurants that anyone would see gracing the Top Ten lists of the London eatery guides.

Cody instantly fell in love with the place. Whether it was the vibe that this was a place where only Players would frequent or the warm smile that the hostess greeted them with, he wasn’t sure, but it felt as if he was home again. Maybe it felt like being back in theMediunn, surrounded by omniscient souls carrying with them the secrets of the universe that they all shared.

“Hello, darlings,” cawed Mona, throwing her arms up into the air.

Cody couldn’t place her accent, thinking to himself that she sounded well-travelled and had probably picked up a number of different accents, amalgamating them all into a unique voice that seemed to be designed to soothe and welcome people.

Mona ushered them to their table, which took all of seconds, due to the size of the place. The ambience was fairly dark in the restaurant, but their table was cosily lit by candlelight, the smell of fresh flowers which were arranged in a small vase on the table reminding him of the smell of summer.

“It is your first time here, darling?” asked Mona, directing the question towards Cody whilst affectionately placing an arm around him.

Mona was tiny in stature, so hardly had to bend when talking to him whilst they were seated. She had a captivating presence about her, the same as Cody had recognised in Quint and other Players he had come across in the time he had known him. Her eyes were a piercing blue, which stood out more due to her long, flowing jet-black hair.

“First time, yes,” Cody said nervously, checking out his surroundings as well as the other patrons around them. His seventh sense was tingling like never before, latching on to everybody else in the place. That unmistakable warmth that he felt in his head and belly. “Is everyone here-”
