Page 48 of The Player's Lounge

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The key jangled in the lock as Leo attempted to once again decode the quirks of the front door, then as he managed it, the TV paused in the living room, and Kai padded through into the hall a moment later.

Leo grinned his way. “Daddy’s home.”

“Oh you had better be talking to the damn cat,” said Kai, folding his arms and leaning against the door.

Ariella scurried out of the kitchen, and as Leo laughed, he dumped his rucksack in the hall in favour of the feel of black silky fur brushing against his face after he picked her up. “Miss me?” He headed over to Kai as he planted a prolonged kiss on the top of the cat’s head, causing her to wince in blatant displeasure.

Then he added a kiss to the top of Kai’s head too. “That one was for you.” He even offered him a wink.

Kai sighed and pulled him in, then he took the longest draw of breath.

“Hey.” Leo pushed away. “Did you just sniff me?”

“What?” Kai pulled back and scrubbed at Ariella’s neck, a blush touching his cheeks as he blew out a dismissive laugh. “Get the fuck out of here.” He shoved Leo away a little, then thumbed towards the kitchen as he lost his smile. “I’m guessing you’re gonna want a bevvy.”

“This is why I love you, man,” said Leo, parched from the last leg of his journey, which was always the worst due to the dismal Sunday bus service. “You feeling better?”

“Yeah, grand, hence being back on these bad boys.” Kai nodded to an open can of Moretti. “How was the rest of your time in the big smoke? I’m guessing good since I haven’t heard dick from you.”

Leo winced, feeling dread as he knew he’d have to tell Kai what really went on. “Yeeeeah, it was good,” he drawled out slowly.

“How did the date go with the Wrap’d dude? Quint, was it?” asked Kai, not quite meeting his eye as if he knew exactly what had gone down… on who.

Leo tensed slightly. “It was good. We went to a pub by the river, and then he took me to this crazy good Italian joint. Paid for the lot as well.”

“Yeah?” Kai cocked a brow. “Flash bastard, is he?”

“Hey, cheer up.” Leo frowned and tapped at his abs. “That’ll be us soon. This guy, he said he thinks we’ve got something really good here. and he knows his onions. He’s managed all sorts, plus he’s mates with the head honcho. That can’t do us any harm, eh?”

Kai turned away and headed into the living room. “You’re sleeping with him to get to the top, then?”

“Huh? Who says I’m sleeping with him?” Leo, fell into the sofa beside Kai and cracked open a cold can of beer.

Kai looked up at him. “You look like you got some action.”

“Well, maybe a bit,” mumbled Leo, embarrassed. How the hell had he known?

“Hmm.” Kai sipped his beer and pressed Play on Netflix.

“Hey.” Leo stole the remote off him. “Turn that shit off for a sec.” He pressed Pause. “Don’t you wanna know the details of the meeting?”

Kai frowned and looked his way. “Oh, shit, yeah, Sorry, mate. How’d it go?”

That seemed more Kai. “They want us to go down to the studio soon.”

“Serious? I’ll have to give work some notice. When will we know?”

“They said they’d get in touch Tuesday and figure it out. They’re dying to meet you.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because you’re the mysterious guy in the background and behind the scenes that never smiles. Kris said you reminded him of that grumpy bloke from the Pet Shop Boys.”

Kai snorted. “I’m flattered. I don’t know who the Pet Shop Boys are, but I’m flattered.”

Had he done something wrong? With the sarcasm coming his way, Leo felt like he had. Maybe Kai was just pissed off at missing out on the trip to London and meeting all the music moguls. Giving a rough sigh, Leo took his beer out of his hand and turned to look at him. “Okay, what’s the matter? You’ve had the right arsehole since the moment I walked through the door. What gives?”

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