Page 47 of The Player's Lounge

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“You’re not going to believe this, but my cat’s called Ariella too,” whispered Quint.

“Wow. This is some weird ass shit, eh?” He chuckled.

Quint really felt like he was being tested now. It took all of his resolve not to blurt out the whole truth. As if riding in autopilot, he stroked the back of Leo’s hand.

“Oh, I was wondering if you were ever going to make a move,” whispered Leo.

“I didn’t want to waste another moment not feeling you.” The words recklessly fell from his lips. He knew it sounded forward, but he didn’t care anymore.

Leo shuffled round to sit next to Quint on his side of the booth. “Who are you?” he muttered. He looked desperate to instigate that tantalising first kiss.

“I’m nobody, just a small cog in a well-oiled machine. Like all of us. I-”

Leo leaned in and kissed Quint gently, lingering for a few seconds before withdrawing to look into his eyes. Then he nuzzled into Quint’s neck, seeming to spend longer on inhaling the sharp, fresh smell of his citrusy after-shave. “Mmm, you smell delicious.”

“So do you,” said Quint, knowing that he wasn’t wearing any aftershave, it was just his essence that he could smell and sense. It was better than any scent he’d ever experienced, man-made or otherwise.

“I think we should eat before I tuck into you right here, right now,” said Leo.

“Come on, I know a place nearby. I took the liberty of booking ahead,” said Quint.

“Optimistic. I like that,” laughed Leo.

They thirstily quaffed the remainder of their drinks and headed out along the river to Don Camillo, a groovy little Italian restaurant Quint had heard rave reviews about from his ex-colleagues and was dying to try out. It was a real bonus that he was going to share this new experience with Leo.

They walked up to the door and a friendly mâitre d’ greeted them and showed them to their table. It was in the conservatory of the restaurant, blessed with a beautiful view of the river and Richmond Bridge.

“Cocktail?” said Quint.

“It’d be rude not to.”

Quint chose a Negroni, and Leo made the inspirational choice of selecting a Piña Colada, which Quint knew he’d be jealous of once it arrived.

Leo snapped his menu shut and looked his way. Quint became self-conscious as candlelight flicked a warm colouring between them, accenting his perfectly trimmed beard that hugged his cheekbones a little too much. He’d shaved for tonight, and maybe Leo didn’t like it, judging how intently his attention seemed to be fixated on it.

Quint rubbed at his jaw. “Too short?”

Leo coughed and looked away quickly, pretending to stare at his own menu. “Nah.” He grinned up at him. “Just thinking it well, you know… looks good.”

Rather than embarrass him any further, Quint asked him what he had chosen to eat.

Leo speedily panic-chose the Spaghetti Carbonara whilst Quint hid a smile and chose the Bucatini con le sarde, taking him back to a time he spent in Sicily as a child. His half-Sicilian mother used to adore sardines, and they were something that were introduced to him at an early age.

Their cocktails arrived at the table, and after eyeing Leo’s Piña Colada and predictably wishing he’d ordered one too, Quint proposed a toast. “To Wrap’d records finally signing someone with talent.”

Leo eyed him up suspiciously. “Have you even seen our stuff? Oh no, you haven’t, have you? Still. Tut, tut.”

Quint paused. “It’s so on my to-do list, I promise. I’ve been so busy with leaving work, moving house and all that serious stuff that I just haven’t had a chance to check you out. Well, your TikToks anyway. Do you hate me now?” He winced.

“Don’t be silly. It’s just us dicking about on the socials really. The only full tracks we’ve laid down are on Bandcamp at the moment, so unless you follow us on TikTok or Insta, you’ve got no reason to know our stuff.” He smiled reassuringly at Quint. “Seriously, don’t worry about it. If you’re that bothered, I can play you some later back at yours.”

Now that did make Quint smile. “Oh, we’re going back to mine, are we?”

Leo fumbled for a moment. Blushed. “Shit. I didn’t mean. Oh, God, that kind of slipped out, didn’t it?”

“Nothing is ever said accidentally,” said Quint, winking.

Leo relaxed and took a long sip of his drink. “Yours it is, then.”
