Page 60 of Deception

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The last to go were my boxers. She kneeled before me, her eyes on mine as she ever so slowly tugged them down.

She placed soft kisses on my thighs, making it harder and harder to stand up straight. But that was all I could do with my aching ribs. “Everleigh.”

Her name was meant to be a warning, but instead it came out growled in a breathy whisper.

She looked up at me, the sight of her on her knees forever etched into my mind. “Let me do this for you. Please?”

Her raspy voice sent a jolt through my body. “You don’t have to.”

It pained me to say it, but I didn’t want her to feel like she had to do this.

“I’m doing this for myself as much as for you. I missed you more than I can ever put into words. So instead, let me show you.”

Her hands closed around me, and I hissed out a breath. She had the power to undo me. And I didn’t mind one bit. I would welcome whatever she had in store for me.

Her tongue traced the path her hands had taken, and after teasing me until I didn’t know what way was up or down, she took me in her mouth. Her wet heat was nirvana, her touch heaven.

Her gaze never wavered from mine, keeping me enthralled, bound to her for life. I didn’t think anything could distract me from the ache in my ribs, but at that moment, I didn’t feel them.

Then she added her tongue, and I swayed, the release hitting me so unexpectedly and with a force so hard I slumped against the wall.

But Everleigh wasn’t finished yet. She pushed her own pants and underwear down in one smooth motion, then pulled her shirt over her head, followed by her bra dropping to the ground. The bashful look she gave me didn’t fit with the sexy goddess I’d just encountered.

“Easier to help you this way.”

I put a solemn look on my face—or what I hoped was a solemn look, since I found it hard to appear anything but happy at the moment—and nodded. “I do need the help.”

We stepped under the lukewarm water together, and she put soap on her hands, running them over my heated skin. She was deep in concentration, giving me a chance to study every curve and dip of her beautiful body.

She lightly skimmed over my back. “Tell me if I’m hurting you.”

All I felt was the caress of her hands and the warmth her touch left in its path. How did I ever think I could stay away from her?

She placed a kiss on my arm. “All done.”

I grinned, soaping up my hands. “My turn.”

She protested, but I cut her off with a kiss. “I need to touch you.”

My voice was hoarse from the tight hold I had on my body. All I wanted to do was ravage, plunder, and take. She was finally mine, and I couldn’t do anything to claim her. But at least I could give her as much pleasure as she had me.

My fingers glided over every inch of her silky skin. She squirmed beneath my touch, her soft gasps flowing over me like honey.

When there wasn’t a place on her body I hadn’t touched and she was leaning with her back to the wall, unable to stand up any longer without the support, I entered her with a finger. Her gasps sounded against my lips, which were caressing, tasting, exploring.

I added a second finger, her channel tight, her eyes closed. Her soft little mewls and her viselike hold on my arms only spurned me on. I wished I could worship her the way she deserved—on my knees and with my face buried between her legs. But for now, this would have to do.

“Lucius.” The desperate plea in her voice nearly sent me to my knees, my real name on her lips, something I thought I’d never hear again.

And when she let go, she was beautiful in her release, her skin glowing, her lips parted slightly.

The water had gone cold, but we stood under the weak stream, eyes locked, afraid to break the spell. I was underwater, everything muted except for what was right in front of me. Everleigh with her big blue eyes. Her long mahogany hair hung in wet tresses down her back, making her look as beautiful as if it were curled in her usual glossy waves or braided.

She shivered, and I crashed back to where we were—a dark and moldy motel room.

But nothing could dampen my mood. With a grin, I turned off the water and handed her a towel. She didn’t use it on herself though. Instead, she took the utmost care to dry me without aggravating my ribs or back.

Once she was satisfied there wasn’t a drop of water remaining on my body, she hurriedly brushed the threadbare towel over her own damp skin.
