Page 61 of Deception

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I wrapped the small hand towel around my middle, having to hold the ends together. “Stay here. I’ll grab your bag.”

Santino was still out, and I hurried to get Everleigh’s bag to her and then got dressed myself. I pulled up a fresh pair of shorts, foregoing boxers. The T-shirt didn’t seem worth the effort, and I sat down, catching my breath.

Everleigh emerged from the bathroom, a faint blush staining her cheeks, her top wet in spots from her hair. She looked around the room as if expecting someone else, and I chuckled. “He’s still at the diner. I texted him that it’s safe to come back.”

Her cheeks darkened to a deep pink. “That obvious?”

I watched her walk up to my bag and take out a fresh T-shirt. She then managed to somehow put it on without me having to lift my arms very high.

She was leaning close, pulling down the material, when I placed a kiss on her cheek. “You’re a goddess.”

She giggled, then picked up what few things I’d dropped around the room and put them in my canvas bag.

Everleigh added both our bags to Santino’s, which was already sitting next to the door, ready to go.

After one last glance around the motel room, we packed the car. Santino came back from the diner across the road as we were closing the trunk. He was holding a paper bag in each hand.

He handed us a bag each, the delicious smell of bacon and eggs wafting out. “We’re getting Sofie?” he asked.

I’d told him about my daughter when we were on the plane getting us out of Guyana. And while he’d been upset that I hadn’t trusted him with the information earlier, he immediately offered to help me get her back.

“We are. She’s at Carter’s.”

I’d texted with him from the hospital last night, and he said he’d be home with her today. I’d been to his house enough times to know it would take us at least an hour to get there from here.

I hadn’t seen a photo of her or heard how she was doing the whole time I was away. I couldn’t keep in touch with anyone or risk getting found out. Maurizio was whip smart, and he had his eyes everywhere. I didn’t want to risk it, no matter how much the decision tore me apart.

Santino drove, and I sat in the passenger seat, with Everleigh in the back. Despite cranking the air-con, my hands were still clammy, and my T-shirt was sticking to my back. I didn’t know what I’d do if she didn’t recognize me. Or didn’t want to come home. Wherever home was at the moment.

Carter lived in a new housing development where all the streets were named after trees and the houses looked identical. We’d all laughed at him when he bought it after deciding he wanted to live in the suburbs, surrounded by minivans and committees.

But it had also made him the best one to look after Sofie. Besides where he lived, my daughter adored him. Ever since she’d been a little baby, they’d shared a special bond. Anyone at Locked Security would have taken her in and taken good care of her, but the only one she’d wanted to stay with was Carter.

I’d never forget the last time I saw her, the desperation and betrayal on her face as I drove away.

She was old enough to know I’d left her. But would she forgive me?

Santino pulled up to a house with a wide porch and a myriad of toys in the yard. I didn’t think I’d fit even half of what was strewn across the grass into our rental.

We got out, Everleigh’s hand finding mine in silent support.

The door opened and Carter stepped out, waving. “Come on, you’re just in time for cake.”

Is he wearing an apron?

I struggled up the three steps leading to the front door. Everleigh released my hand once we were standing in front of Carter.

He stepped closer and clapped me on my shoulder, the friendly slap jarring my ribs. “Let’s go inside before my neighbor sees us. She always has jobs for me to do.”

Puzzled by the warm reception, I stumbled after him. But my legs refused to move any farther when the kitchen came into view. Sofie was standing on a stool by the sink, dusting a liberal amount of powdered sugar on a cake sitting on the counter.

She looked up when she heard us approach. Her hair was longer, and she’d grown at least a few inches. But her cheeks were still as chubby as I remembered, and her eyes were mirror images of mine.

With a loud bang, the container she was holding to dust the cake tumbled to the floor, and she stared at me.

Lifting a hand, I gave her a tentative wave. “Hello, preciosa.”

Sofie got off the stool and ran up to Carter, hiding behind him. Her obvious distrust nearly brought me to my knees, pain lacing through me so sharp, I would feel the echo of it for a long time.
