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“Sounds good.” I hustled away, leaving them to tease each other, and over to the register where I put in their food. Then I went to the bar, trying to pretend that I wasn't worried that one of the people they were waiting on was Harrison. Generally, he came in to eat with the other Daddies when it was the whole crew, but I was pretty sure that I noticed him, Omar, Tucker, and then another gentleman who didn't come in very often meeting here for dinner on occasion.

Oz pushed drinks across the bar top as I reached him. “These are for Omar and Tucker.”

I snorted. “They didn't even tell me what they wanted because they knew that you would know.”

“It's my job.” He tapped his temple. “Keeping their preferences up here makes me a lot of money.”

If I wasn’t so flustered, I’d tease him. Oz knew people, and he genuinely liked them. His customer service had nothing to do with money, and we all know it. “I hear you.” After picking up the drinks, I turned to take them over to the table, then hesitated. A silver fox had joined them, along with Harrison. I had no idea what to say to him or how to act. It shouldn't be this big a deal, right? We were both grown, sexually active men. Harrison only did hook-ups, and I told him I'd never call him Daddy, which was important to him. The only one of us likely freaking out right now was me. If I played it cool, there wouldn't be any issues.

“Luca, are you okay?” Oz asked.

“Yeah, sorry, I'm fine. I'll be right back.” Spurring myself into motion, I approached the table with the two drinks. Harrison’s sexy smirk appeared the minute he laid eyes on me. Oh shit, I couldn't do this. I didn't know how to act normally around him now. At least not my normal bitchy self with him. And what if he brought up giving me a ride last night? It would end up getting back to my friends, and that was the last thing I wanted.

Setting Tucker’s and Omar's drinks in front of them, I said, “Here you go. Your waitress will be right with you.”

Confusion crossed Tucker's face. “I thought you were our waiter?”

“No. The seating got a little messed up earlier, so one of my coworkers is due a table. Lucky you.” Then I hightailed it away as fast as I could, bee-lining it for Brandy. “Can you take that table of four gentlemen for me? If you're too busy, I can pick up your next table for you.”

She smiled. “That works. I just had guests leave so that'll be fine. Why don't you let them know up front to give my next table to you?”

“Perfect. Thanks, Brandy. I really appreciate it.”

She looked at me strangely since I wasn't known for making these kinds of requests, but she didn't give me a hard time.

Harrison's eyes tracked me as I served the tables around them, then crossed over into Brandy's section to serve the table I picked up for her. The expression on his face said that he knew what I’d done, and he wasn’t happy. But now I had a bigger problem. He didn’t look pissed or annoyed, but he sure seemed hurt, and I was so confused.

* * *


I knewLuca had traded tables with our waitress, Brandy, but I didn't know why. Was he really going to avoid me now? And where the hell had he gone this morning? Why hadn’t he woken me up? How had he gotten home? If it wasn't for the fact that I seriously doubted he wanted anyone knowing he'd fallen asleep in my bed, in my arms, I'd have been on the phone as soon as I’d woken up trying to hunt him down. The least he could’ve done was left his phone number on the piece of paper where he’d scribbled that the clothes he borrowed were in the washing machine.

Needing to know he was safe, I’d waited until The Tap opened and called and asked for him. I'd never been so happy that Ollie didn't answer the phone. He would’ve definitely recognized my voice. The young lady who’d picked up had replied that Luca wasn't in yet, so I’d hoped that meant he’d be in later. Like a stalky stalker who stalks, I waited and called again around the time of their normal shift change.Bingo.Oz said he was in and he'd go get him, but it would be a moment. The minute he put me on hold, I’d hung up. I felt like a teenager with his first crush.

Thankfully, I'd already had plans to meet Omar, Tucker and Dawson for our traditional end-of-the year dinner here. It was a nice time to recap our year and what was going on in both our professional and personal lives. As Tucker
