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“I was, so I called a friend who said I could stay at his house.”

“That's good.” He sounded genuinely relieved on my behalf about something that had happened over twenty years ago. After what he’d suffered more recently with his own family, I appreciated that.

“As it turned out, it wasn't necessary. My aunt called and told me that she expected me at her house for Christmas like normal. I told her what had happened with my parents and that I knew I wouldn't be welcome. See, my aunt’s always hosted family gatherings, so I didn't want to make a scene when my parents walked in and saw me.”

Luca nibbled on his bottom lip, almost distracting me from my story. “That was probably for the best.”

I smiled over at him. “It would've been had my aunt and uncle not been such rock stars. When my aunt had reached out to my mother to find out what she was bringing for the holiday meal, my mom informed her of this terrible decision that I’d forced them to make.”

Luca snorted. “Assholes. Like they didn't have a choice.”

“Exactly. My aunt told her in no uncertain terms that she was so sick of their drama, all of their arguing and disrupting everything, that I’d be the only member of our family of three welcome at her house. Then my aunt informed me that not only did she expect me for Christmas dinner, but they’d turned a space in the basement into a bedroom for me.”

Luca’s eyes twinkled. “Oh, that's awesome.”

“It was. I hadn’t even finished processing my mom’s call when my aunt reached out. I wonder sometimes if she and her family actually ended up saving my life.”

Luca’s eyes softened. “Is that why you love Christmas so much?”

I looked around my decked-out living room. “You know, I never really thought about it until now, but yeah, it is. That Christmas was the first holiday in my life that felt normal. We hung out, we ate food, we opened presents, played games.” I chuckled darkly. “It was the first year that I got a decent amount of gifts that were all something I’d actually want. My aunt—God love her soul—said that she'd always wanted to give me more for my birthday and Christmas, but she didn't want to step on my mom’s toes. On the other hand, she watched how my parents either basically forgot me and only gave me some token gift or how one of them would spoil me rotten because they were mad at the other, but it wouldn't be, but no matter what they bought, they never lined up with my interests.”

“She sounds like a great lady,” Luca said. “My grandfather basically did the same thing for me after my name became mud in my immediate family.”

I reached out and cupped his cheek, hoping he wouldn’t get angry, but feeling like I needed that physical connection with him right now. “I'm glad you had someone.”

“I'm glad you had someone, too.” Luca placed a hand over mine, pushing my palm into his soft skin, as an odd expression chased across his face. “I don't want to make this weird or anything, and I know it makes no sense coming from me, but I really want you to kiss me.”

My breath hitched. “I’d really like to, but are you sure?”

“No.” He huffed. “But it’s a snowy night, and we’re sharing our pain, and…it feels right, doesn’t it?” he asked, sounding uncertain.



Istill couldn't wrap my mind around everything that happened last night. My car not starting in the cold wasn't abnormal, but ending up at Harrison's house was still freaking me out. It hadn't been the horrible experience that I would've expected it to be. In fact, it had been pretty wonderful. Who would've ever expected the sexy, non-committal Harrison to be so gaga for Christmas? And the sex? Dear God, he’d probably just ruined me for anyone else ever again.

And that was why I ran like a scared little rabbit. When I woke up first thing this morning with those big strong arms wrapped around me, I’d wanted to sink deeper into them more than anything else in the world. The desire to bump my butt back into his morning wood or turn over and shimmy down and give him a nice blow job to start the day was all I could think about in those few minutes it took for my brain to come back online. But no, what we’d shared last night was a fluke. We’d ended up together because of the weather, shared some personal information, and one thing led to another. That was all. No big deal.

So I’d snuck out of his room, holding my breath that he wouldn’t wake up. A quick check on my weather app showed that the snow had stopped, so I'd immediately called for a rideshare and got the hell out of dodge. Hopefully, I’d never have to admit to anyone that my car hadn't started last night since I'd had theLyftdriver take me back to the parking lot of the grocery store, where miracles of miracles, my girl had started.

I struggled all day trying to study for my finals, so coming to work had been a welcome relief. Or, I thought it would be until I walked in and was hit smack in the face with more holiday cheer. Apparently, Levi had been struck with the festive bug, too, and he and Christian had been up here adding garland to every ledge in the place. I thought our lone Christmas tree was enough, but they'd added two more, along with hanging mistletoe in the entryways and stringing some lights around the wall. Now everywhere I looked reminded me of Harrison's home and how cheery it was inside. How much he loved Christmas.

To make matters worse, my first customer of the evening had a cigar smell clinging to the coat hanging off the back of his chair. Every time I went to his table, I was transported back in time. Unfortunately, instead of just my grandfather, now that spicy-wood scent made me think of Harrison and the time we’d spent chatting outside of Toby’s, too.

“Hey, Luca. I sat a couple of the regulars in your section.”

I thanked the hostess and made my way over to a four-top where Omar and Tucker were sitting. “Hey, guys. You have anyone else joining you?”

“Good evening, Luca,” Omar said in his whiskey-smooth voice. Yep, no. “We have two more coming, but if you want to get us drinks, that would be great.”

Tucker yawned, stretching his arms over his head. “That sounds fantastic. Today was a long day.” He turned and glanced at the bar. “Oz knows what I want.”

I grinned. “I'm pretty sure after all these years. I know your orders as well. Do you want me to put in an appetizer or anything while you wait?”

“Nah.” Omar patted his belly. “Nigel's been on a candy-making kick. I think he wants to impress Toby, so I've had more than my fair share of treats lately. I'm not getting any younger, so I'll stick to the main course.”

Tucker shook his head. “Yeah, because you're such an old man.” He winked at me. “Why don't you bring us the nacho special with four plates?”
