Page 129 of Unexpected Temptation

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“How long have you had him?” she asks as Alfie flops onto the ground at her feet, showing his belly.

“I found him when he was just a kitten. Scrounging around by a dumpster in town. He was all by himself. Hungry and scared. I scooped him up and brought him out here. We’ve been roomies ever since.”

“Roomies?” She smiles up at me.

My heart seems to stall, then beat again, but harder. “Yeah, we’re just two bachelors roaming the place.”

“I see.” She stands up and puts her hands on her hips. “Why do you need such a big house and all this land if it’s just you and your cat?”

“I have horses, too. A few cows. Nothing serious. Was thinking about getting some goats, but they might chew the whole place to shreds if I don’t keep a close eye on them.” I sidestep her question. “Would you like a tour?”

She purses her lips, and I get the distinct sensation she’s on the edge of saying no, but then her gaze turns shrewd. “I’d love one.”

“I’m glad. This will give me a chance to figure out where I stored the windshield wiper fluid.” I grin.

“You said there are horses?” She looks out toward the stables. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen one up close.”

“Really?” I gesture toward the stables and walk with her, Alfie trailing behind us. “I have three right now. All of them rescues. The two mares are stubborn and ornery. But the gelding is gentle as can be. A real sweetheart. He even lets Alfie jump on him and ride him around the pasture sometimes.”

“Wow.” She glances back at Alfie. “That’s brave.”

“It would be brave if he tried it on Peanut or Butter. Jelly is just as silly as Alfie, so they’re a fun pair.”

“I like their names.”

“Thanks. I guess I was hungry when I picked them up.” I walk her to Jelly’s stall.

He comes over, his nose working overtime as he sniffs her. “Jelly, this is Roxanne.”

“He’s so big.” She looks up at him, her eyes going round. “Can I–”

“Of course. He won’t bite.”

She lifts her hand, but she doesn’t move any closer. “I don’t know …”

“May I?” I take her hand, the feel of her skin so soft against mine. “We’ll go slow.”

She stiffens for only a second, then relaxes as I move her hand toward Jelly’s snout. “He’s not scared?”

“No. He’d have his ears back if he was apprehensive. He’s as unconcerned as he can be.” I press her palm against his snout.

He steps closer, leaning into her touch. I don’t blame him. I do the same, cradling her hand in mine even though I could’ve already let go.

“This is wonderful.” She beams as she strokes his snout, her hand still in mine.

“I’m glad you think so.”

Butter nickers, and Peanut paws as the ground in her stall.

Roxanne looks at me questioningly.

“They’re just jealous.” I shrug.

Alfie jumps up and prances along the front of the stall, trying to get her attention.

“And they’re not the only ones.” I pop his hind quarters lightly, and he twitches his tail.

She pulls her hand away.
