Page 15 of Knot Your Problem

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Cary darted a glance at Ava, who was studiously fiddling with bandages and not looking at him. “Sometimes life is complicated,” was his only answer.

“So uncomplicate it,” GG huffed. “The only things that matter anymore are the people we love, and that’s the way it should have always been. Besides, you may be a unicorn, boy, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless. Don’t let others dictate who you can be. You hold your own power, you just have to find it and learn how to use it.”

Cary looked emotional for a moment as his eyes widened and went slightly glassy. I figured it had been a long time since anyone had really seen him. GG patted his arm affectionately.

“It’s good you’re here,” GG pressed on, ignoring the sudden spike of emotion in the room. “You’re all going to need each other. All four of you. Omegas need to stick together. Now more than ever.”

“The four of us?” Ava’s cute, pert nose had scrunched up in confusion.

GG stared right at me as she answered Ava. “You, Cary, Maia, and Lexie.”

“But Lexie isn’t an omega.”

“Isn’t she?” GG arched her eyebrow at me as she spoke, and damn, she had some serious eyebrow skills. She had me beat. I was an amateur compared to her.

I squirmed in my seat, staring unseeing at the table as my throat bobbed. GG’s intent gaze made all my defenses feel like they were nothing but a sheer curtain fluttering in a breeze. She already knew the answer. She just wanted me to say it. To own it.

Meeting Sam and Dio this morning had left me feeling raw and exposed. I had no defenses left against GG. I could feel the weight of Ava and Cary watching me closely, too. A sudden dizziness washed over me, like my future was rushing towards me too fast.

“I don’t really know what I am.” I spoke so softly; I wasn’t sure anyone would hear. It felt like my heart was talking for me. Taking over before I could decide what words would keep the truth at bay a little longer.

Ava gasped, but Cary leaned forward, intrigued.

I’d never said those words out loud before, but they’d haunted me for years. Now that they were out, I felt an unraveling inside me.

“Suppressing something isn’t the same as not knowing something,” GG scolded. “You’ve done what you had to in order to survive, but you know who and what you are. You are strong, Lexie, one of the strongest women I know. Your compassion is boundless and you’ve given so much. Now it’s your time.”

I looked up at GG finally, not quite meeting her eyes, though. “I’m scared.”

She was right. I’d learned how to be fearless a long time ago, except for this. This one fear I’d never learned how to face. It had left me living a half life, and I didn’t want that anymore.

“Of course you are, sweetie.” GG caressed my face gently with papery soft fingers and kissed me lightly on the forehead before forcing me to look into her faded blue eyes.

I saw nothing but care and strength looking back at me. A strength she seemed willing to lend me if I needed it. It was humbling. “But you need to stop hiding and be true to yourself. Keeping things hidden for too long leaves a mark, and secrets always come out, eventually. Better to do it on your own terms than someone else’s.”

“I don’t know how. It’s not a switch I flipped.”

Ava grabbed one of my hands and squeezed tightly as GG let me go. Ava smiled reassuringly when I looked at her nervously. “We’ll figure it out.”

I squeezed her hand back, needing the connection, and took a deeper breath as I felt the whirling dizziness fade. It was nice, feeling like I wasn’t alone in this for the first time. The only person I’d ever been really close to was my brother, and I couldn’t talk to him about this.

“It seems we’ve both got some stuff to figure out in this new world, Lexie,” Cary said gently. “I’ve been suppressing my omega instincts for a long time, too. Not as completely as you from the looks of it, but I always made sure they didn’t show and no-one could use them against me. I feel them though, so I know what it’s like. It’s why I gravitated to Maia at the Palace, knowing she’d done the same for so long. I’m here, if you need help.”

Ava looked like she was about to cry. I shot him a sad smile. My heart hurt for him. Everyone on the farm had been tiptoeing around Cary since he’d arrived, not sure what to make of him. Especially the alphas. He was an omega, but he didn’t act like one. I’d suspected he did it out of self-preservation, but it had to take a toll on him. He had plenty of experience being an object of curiosity. I figured he could use a friend, too.

“I might just take you up on that.” His face lit up, as if my willingness meant something to him. I got the impression Cary liked to feel needed.

“I have an idea how you can stop hiding,” GG said as she winked at me, pulling my attention away from Cary. “Pick one of those yummy young alphas out there and kiss him. See what happens.”

There was a light in her eyes now, a shining spark that lit up her wizened face. She grinned wickedly, breaking the mood. I laughed, feeling lighter suddenly.

Ava giggled as a sweet blush spread over her cheeks. “I think you should give that a try, too.”

I just might do that.


Dammit.MeetingLexiefeltlike a gut punch. She was sexy as fuck and confusing as hell.
