Page 18 of Guarding Adelaide

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He found the doctor's name and phone number, then called him.


"Dr. Krueger, I'm calling for Casper. We need your services."

"What do you need?"

"Gunshot victim. No exit wound. Near his clavicle."

He heard the good doctor blow out a breath. "I can meet them in a half hour."

"I'll set up the room at the hotel. I'll text you the room number."

The line went silent. He scrolled his contacts and found the hotel's phone number. As he listened to the ringing, he checked the time. Casper hadn't checked in yet today.

"Lincoln Lodge."

"I need a room please."

"Sure. What date?"

"Today. As soon as possible. One night."

"Okay. I have one here for you. I need name, credit card, and license plate number."

"I'm calling for Casper. We have an account there."

"Yes. Thank you. Room 214. Same entry code."

"Thank you."

He hung up and texted Dr. Krueger the motel and room number. He dialed Adelaide's number.

"Hello, Rafe."

Inhaling a deep breath his brows furrowed. She elicited a response in his body every time he spoke to her. It was unnerving. "You're to take the senator to the Lincoln Lodge Motel. Room 214. Doctor Krueger will meet you there. He's one of ours."

"Okay. I assume he's done this before since you have everything pulled together so quickly."

"Yes. Sadly."

She huffed out a breath and he imagined her pretty face as she absorbed the information.

"Thank you, Rafe."

The line went silent and he felt deflated. Shaking his head he then called his man watching the senator's house.


"They'll be taking him out of the house. Follow at a great distance. These folks are smart. I don't want them thinking I don't trust them, because I do. But I’d like you to watch their back a bit."

"Why do you want me to follow at all?"

"If they need assistance, I want you to let me know."

"If they're so good, why would they need assistance?"

Irritation raged through his body and he grew warm. "Just follow orders."
