Page 19 of Guarding Adelaide

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He ended the call, frustrated the days were over when he could slam the phone down on someone. The silent finger tap to his phone didn't hold the same appeal.

Sitting at his desk once again, he pulled up the brief he needed to work on. His head was not in this today at all. He read the same paragraph three times before deciding to call it and leave for a drive.


Addy hustled the senator along to the covered stairs of the motel. His grunting and groaning began to annoy her. She knew he was in pain, but honestly, this noise and blustering wasn't going to help him. They needed to be out of sight in the motel room. Henry and Myles kept watch.

Finally reaching the door, she pushed the code into the electronic entry keypad and the door unlocked. Hustling the senator inside, she had him sit in an old vinyl chair at the table in the corner. Myles stood in the doorway. "You good in here?"

She grinned. "Yeah. I'm good."

He closed the door and she moved to the sink outside of the bathroom to wash her hands. She pulled a plastic cup from the plastic wrapper around it and filled it with water. She set that in front of the senator. "Drink this so you don't dehydrate. You've been through an ordeal."

The senator looked at her for a moment, then picked up the cup with a shaking hand. After drinking the entire glass of water, he set it down.

"Who are you really?"

"I'm someone protecting your ass."

"Who is protecting me? Are you planning on turning me over to King and his buddies?"

She sat on the corner of the bed and faced him. "No we're not turning you over to King. But I'm not at liberty to say more."

"Why are you protecting me?"

"We understand you have information on president-elect King, and that's what's gotten you shot and us here to protect you. What is that information?"

Faded blue eyes stared into hers for a long time. Before the senator answered the door opened and the spell was broken. If there was a spell.

A gray-haired man stepped into the room with a large medical case in his hand. "I'm Dr. Krueger."

"Hello, Doctor. Your patient here has suffered a gunshot wound to the clavicle area. No exit wound. The bleeding has stopped."

"Thank you."

He stepped over to the senator and laid his medical bag on the table. He glanced at the senator's shirt then glanced back at her.

She stood and began removing the safety pins she'd used to hold his shirt together after she cut it off. "I didn't have any choice and we didn't have time to get him a new shirt."

The doctor nodded. "Please turn on all the lights."

She moved around the room turning on every light she could find, though the room was still dim. Pulling her phone from her back pocket, she turned on her flashlight and shined it on the wound. The doctor gently pressed around the wound and the senator grumbled more than was necessary.

"Okay. Please pull the bedspread from the bed and lay the plastic sheet tucked in the side of my bag on the bed. Then help me get the patient on top of it."

The senator sat up straight. "You only use plastic when you're going to kill someone. I'm not..."

Dr. Krueger stood straight. "I've never killed anyone in my life. But, there will be bleeding when I remove this bullet and we don't need the hotel any the wiser. Since you're here and I was called, I believe this is a situation that needs to stay on the down-low."

"Yes, but I don't like..."

Addy finished opening the plastic sheet and covering the bed. She then laid her hand on the senator's good shoulder. "It's alright. I promise we aren't going to kill you. If we were going to do that, it would have been much easier to do it at your house."

The senator's cheeks, though previously pale, deepened in color. She urged him to stand by tucking her arm under his good arm and lifting. When he stood willingly, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay. Pull his shirt down to below his chest."

She managed to pull his shirt over his wounded shoulder, then down his left arm. Peeling the right shoulder off his body, she pulled his shirt down and tucked the remnants under his body.
