Page 20 of Guarding Adelaide

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Dr. Krueger stepped to the left side of the bed with a syringe and a small bottle of something.

"Don't put me out. You can't do that. Please..." The senator blustered.

The doctor looked him square in the eye. "Unless you want to feel every cut and tug and pull, I'm giving you a local anesthetic. You'll be awake, but you won't feel anything. Alright?"

"Yes." The senator's eyes landed on hers. "You'll be right here?"

"Yes. I'll be right here."

To his credit, the senator only flinched slightly when the needle poked his skin. She watched as the stressed look on his face began to relax and the pain subsided.

"See, that's better, isn't it?"


The doctor began pushing against the wound and the senator didn't so much as move. Then the doctor opened the wound with a scalpel, and she decided to keep the senator occupied.

"Can you tell me what information you have that has gotten you into so much trouble?"

"I can't. My only protection is keeping the information secure."

"If we can find it, we can keep it secure. It's our job to do so."

"I don't even know who you are. Who you work for. Or anything else about you. I'm not giving you that information."

Addy took a deep breath and looked away from the senator. She turned back to him, "I can tell you the person we work for is trying to help you. We also know we only have a couple more weeks until the inauguration and that information needs to be in the proper hands before then. Does that help you decide?"

"I told you, it's my only security. Plus I gave the information, verbally, to Wade Evans."

The door opened and she looked up to see Rafe Martin standing in the doorway.

The senator's eyes widened when he saw Rafe, but Rafe was only looking at her.

"Did you get the information you need?"


Rafe turned his deep brown eyes to the senator, then back to hers. Her tummy felt like butterflies had been let loose. Her heartbeat sped up and her breathing shallowed. He stood tall and handsome in his suit and tie. The breadth of his shoulders was impressive.

"I don't think we can protect him anymore. He clearly doesn't want to be protected."

"I was just thinking the same thing."

"No, no, I need protection. I need it. He's going to kill me."

Addy turned to the senator and lowered her voice. "We need your information to keep it and you safe."

A tear slid down the senator's temple as he stared into her eyes. "Just promise me this. If he gets me, please keep my family safe."

"We'll do our best. I promise you that. And, we're pretty damned good."


Rafe watched as the senator sputtered on about some secret room and a hidden lockbox. Addy kept eye contact with the senator as the doctor began stitching up the wound in his shoulder.

Addy nodded. "What's the security code to open the safe room and the lock box?"

The senator swallowed what appeared to be a lump the size of an apple. He let his breath out and said, "Both are the same. 0790."
