Page 67 of Guarding Adelaide

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"That's true. But the senator had one on him the entire time."


She hugged him to her, squeezing him tightly and listening to his ragged breathing.

"Addy." His voice cracked when he spoke and she tilted her head up so their eyes met. "When I heard you out there fighting with them. It nearly broke me."

She grinned. "It wasn't a fight. I dropped down behind the woodpile. That's when I saw a man move across the driveway. I crawled to get a closer bead on him and he heard me. Since I'd already shot at him, he must have gotten scared and ran."

He chuckled, but it wasn't genuine. "I didn't like it. Not one bit."

"It's what I do, Rafe."

She saw his throat constrict as he swallowed. "If we're going to be together, you need to accept that."

His body expanded as he took a deep breath. "I accept it. I just didn't like it. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I don't want anything bad to happen to you either, Rafe. That's why we've got to get this all sorted."

"I agree."

She rose on her toes and kissed his lips. "I'll go get the senator, enough time should have passed."

"I'll pack up our computers."

She reluctantly left Rafe in the living room and entered the bedroom where the senator's deep breathing filled the room.

"Senator." She whispered as she inched toward the bed. Shaking him lightly, "Senator. We have to leave."

"What? Why?"

"You know why. They'll figure out soon enough the tracker isn't in you and they'll come back looking for you."

He sat up, with assistance. She helped him into his shirt, then helped him with his shoes. She held his arm as he moved toward the door. Rafe held their laptops as his eyes landed on hers. He grinned slightly, then turned the lights off in the cabin and peered both ways out the door before opening the cabin door for them to exit.

Rafe moved ahead quickly and set their laptops in the backseat of the Mustang. He hurried back to them and helped the senator from the other side, to move him along quicker. They managed to get him into the passenger seat. Addy scrambled to the back seat and Rafe started it up and moved them out of the driveway.

She asked as they drove, "Senator, who in D.C. is the most upstanding person in any kind of power that can be trusted?"

"Wade Evans."

"Besides him."

The senator was quiet for a long time. "The newly elected vice president."

She took a deep breath. Casper was already working that angle. She sat back in the seat and watched out the window. The sun was just peering above the horizon emanating a red glow across the fields.

Rafe turned down the road that led to the HOG. He turned to the senator and asked, "What about the majority leader?"

Senator Jackson turned to Rafe and stared for a long time. "He's upstanding."

"Is he trustworthy?"

"I believe so. We've obviously had our differences over the years, but I've never heard a word about him being dirty."

Rafe's jaw twitched. She watched him process the information. She pulled her ID card from her back pocket and handed it to Rafe as they neared the HOG.

He pulled into her garage space, stepped from the Mustang, then reached in and held his hand out to her. She smiled, eager to take his hand once more. He pulled her from the Mustang, kissed her lips lightly, then whispered. "Take out the laptops, I'll help the senator."
