Page 68 of Guarding Adelaide

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She picked up their laptops from the back seat and stowed them over her shoulders as she watched Rafe help the senator from the vehicle and walk him into the HOG.

As she entered into the kitchen, she saw Tate sitting at the counter as Lara pulled a fresh batch of cookies from the oven.

"I thought you'd be out on the road yet."

"We tossed the tracker into the silo at the old Brown farm. Rafe is taking the senator to one of the guest rooms."

Rafe entered the kitchen and headed straight to Tate. "Can you have Gavin take me back to D.C.?"

Tate turned and looked at Rafe. What bothered her, was Rafe refused to look at her.

"Yes. What's up?"

"Casper is in hiding because of all of this. If I'm to be his replacement, it's time I step up. Too many people are being pulled into this that don't need to be. I can end it. I'll get back to my office and get word to the majority leader I need to see him privately. He's honest and he can get the ball rolling faster than trying to backdoor this. We don't have time. I have access in my office to all of the documents. I can show him what's happening. I can explain what's happened to me. And, I need to take care of firing Selisen so he doesn't cut a deal and get out. I'm tired of hiding. That's what's taking this longer to settle."

"I'll call Gavin and have him ready in an hour."


Rafe strode to the bedroom and began packing his things. Addy entered and softly closed the door.


He stopped and stared into her beautiful face. "Because. We can't move forward while this is hanging out there. If we don't hit this bull in the middle, it'll continue to fester and lay underground. If King is sworn in, it'll never come to light. He's setting things up to keep this under wraps for a long time with his cabinet choices. And, Wade, myself, and many others will lose our jobs in the process. And, we can’t move forward, you and I, while this is hanging over our heads."

His heart beat wildly in his chest, his hands shook as he watched her face. Her soft lips hung open slightly. She sucked in a deep breath. “Okay.”

He turned toward her and slid his hands in his pockets, mostly because he didn't want her to see him shaking. He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Addy. I've never met anyone like you. You excite me. You are smart and brave and so fucking beautiful you make me want to do better and be better. When I heard you outside this morning and thought you were fighting, a fire lit in my belly that made me realize, I need to be that for you. I have to stop running and meet this bitch head-on. It's the only way I can feel like I deserve you."

"Rafe, you do deserve..."

"No. I don't. Not yet. But I will."

He turned and finished packing his bag. He hung it on his shoulder, grabbed his laptop case and stopped in front of her. "I'll be back, when I make this right."

"You'll need protection."

"I don't think so. No one is tracking me now. I can slip into my office and get to the majority leader privately. We can get this information into his hands, secured where it's safely stored on the servers and move forward to stop the inauguration of this very corrupt president-elect."

He bent and kissed her lips. "I love you, Adelaide Masters. Remember that. And, I'll be back here soon, as a man who deserves you."

He stepped from the room before he lost his nerve. Strutting out to the kitchen, Myles sat eating Lara's cookies. "I'm your ride bro."

"Thank you, Myles."

Lara handed him a couple of cookies. "I'm sorry we've been so briefly introduced. I hope to see you again, Rafe."

"Count on it. Thank you, Lara."

He strode to the garage door, Myles close behind him and headed straight to Myles’ vehicle.

He got in but held his feelings close. He'd let himself panic a bit on the plane. Then, after he had a moment of WTF, he'd set out to get his work done. He had more motivation than he ever had now that he knew what had to be done.

Myles said little on the ride except, "I told you not to hurt her."

"I told you I wouldn't."
